User Manual Frequency Inverter Vector Basic
MSF – Vathauer Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co KG
Tel: +49 (0) 5231 – 63030
Am Hessentuch 6-8
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32758 Detmold
Web: www.msf-technik.de
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2.3. Measures to secure the EMCV in machinery and plants
The following measures are to secure the EMC, which are of absolute necessity to the inverter
technology. The inverter fulfils the demands of the high noise immunity and the slight-noise emissions
for the usage in industries, under the guidelines of this manuals installation consideration.
2.4 Grounding, earthen, potential compensation
The correct professional grounding or earthen guarantees the protection of the staff against
dangerous touch voltages (input, output and intermediate circuit voltage) and through parasitic current
inductance and low-impedance potential compensation an important measure to reduce
electromagnetic influences.
2.5. Filtering
Filters are inserted into the lead-bound transfer way between the source of interference and the
interference suppressor, which is to reduce lead-bound transmissions and to increase the noise
immunity. Additional, external filter may have a negative effect on the noise emission!
2.6. Screening signal- and control cables
Screening is used for decoupling fields between two spatially separate areas, i.e. is also used to
decrease the emission of electromagnetic radiation and to increase the noise immunity. The consistent
use of metal cases is one of the most important standard measures to safeguard the EMC.
2.7. Coupling into motor cables
The use of twisted core cables can essentially reduce inductive couplings into a circuit. Cable screens
must reduce capacitive, inductive and electromagnetic interferences. It is important to note that to
reduce low frequency capacitive interference, it is often sufficient to place a one sided screening,
whereas inductive and high frequency electromagnetic interference can only be prevented by
screening both sides of the cable.
The screening must not be used as a protection earthen!!!