Page 18
The 7 primary functions are:
1 Main set point temperature
2 Stage 1 differential temperature
3 Stage 1 duty cycle
9 Ramping
10 Record low temperature display
11 Record high temperature display
12 Ambient temperature display
Any one of these functions is selected by rotating the
Selector dial to the corresponding number and associated
graphical image printed on the faceplate of the panel.
When primary functions (1 through 3) and (9 through 11)
are selected, the LED status window displays a blinking
value. Function 12 displays ambient temperature.
The 5 secondary functions are:
2 Stage 1 Heating or cooling mode
3 Duty cycle period
9 Ramping minimum temperature limit
10 Low temperature alarm
11 High temperature alarm
Select any one of these secondary mode functions by:
rotating the Selector dial to (12)
rapidly rotating the Adjustor dial back and forth to enter
secondary mode.
rotating the Selector dial from function (12) to any
other function.
When secondary functions 2 and 3, and 9 through 11 are
selected the status window displays a blinking value along
with a scrolling LED display. Selection of function 12
removes the MST-1 from the secondary function mode.