background image


66 87-900-988-01 (B)



The Turbo-V controller is equipped with a 3-wire power
cord and plug (internationally approved) for user safety.
Use this power cord and plug in conjunction with a
properly grounded power socket to avoid electrical
shock. High voltage developed in the controller can
cause severe injury or death. Before servicing the unit,
disconnect the input power cable.


The Turbo-V controller can be used as a bench unit or
a rack module, but it must be positioned so that free air
can flow through the holes.
Do not install or use the controller in an environment
exposed to atmospheric agents (rain, snow, ice), dust,
aggressive gases, or in explosive environments or
those with a high fire risk.

During operation, the following environmental
conditions must be respected:

  temperature: from O °C to +40 °C;

  relative humidity: 0 - 95%

     (without   condensation).

To connect the controller to the pump use the specific
cable supplied with the controller.

See the appendix “Technical Information” for detailed
Information about the above mentioned and the other
connections, and about the options installation.


This paragraph describes the fundamental operating
procedures. Detailed information and operating
procedures that envolve optional connection or option
are supplied in the paragraph “USE” of the appendix
“Technical Information”. Make all vacuum manifold and
electrical connections and refer to Turbo-V pump
instruction manual before operating the Turbo-V


To avoid injury to personnel and damage to the
equipment, if the pump is laying on a table make sure it
is steady. Never operate the Turbo-V pump if the pump
inlet is not connected to the system or blanked off.


The input signal J1connector should be left in position
including the shipping links if no external connections
are made. The forepump and Turbo-V pump can be
switched on at the same time.

Controller Controls, Indicators and

The following paragraph illustrates the Controller
control panel and interconnection panel.
More details are contained in the appendix “Technical

Controller 869-9447, 869-9547 Front Panel


1. Keyboard push-button for HIGH/LOW SPEED mode

selection. It is active only when the front panel
operation has been selected. Pressed repeatedly,
toggles between HIGH SPEED and LOW SPEED.

2. Keyboard push-button for START, STOP, RESET

mode selection. It is active only when the front panel
operation has been selected. By pressing once the
starting phase begins; if pressed again it stops the
pump. If the pump has been stopped automatically by
a fault, this push-button must be pressed once to reset
the controller and a second time to restart the pump.

3.  Keyboard push-button to recall on the display the

cycle number, cycle time and pumplife and serial

4.  Keyboard push-button to recall on the display the

pump current, pump temperature, pump power,
rotational speed. It is always active regardless of the
operating mode selected. Push-buttons 3 and 4, if
pressed together for  at least 2 seconds put the
controller in a routine where it is possible to select
some operation parameters.

5.  LCD back-lighted alphanumeric display: dot matrix 2

lines x 16 characters.


Turbo-V 3K-T






Содержание Turbo-V 3KT


Страница 2: ...Turbo V 3KT Rack Controller...

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Страница 6: ...Description 76 Trasmission Channel Characteristics 76 Message Structure 76 Window Based Protocol 79 USE 80 General 80 Startup 80 Front Remote Serial Selection 81 Monitor Realy Programming 84 Starting...

Страница 7: ...NE I messaggi di attenzione sono visualizzati prima di procedure che se non osservate potrebbero causare danni all apparecchiatura NOTA Le note contengono informazioni importanti estrapolate dal testo...

Страница 8: ...ed all apparato nel caso in cui la pompa sia appoggiata su di un tavolo assicurarsi che sia stabile Non fare funzionare mai la pompa se la flangia di ingresso non collegata al sistema o non chiusa con...

Страница 9: ...o del logo WEEE presente sulle etichette Il simbolo qui sotto riportato applicato in ottemperanza alla direttiva CE denominata WEEE Questo simbolo valido solo per i paesi della Comunit Europea indica...

Страница 10: ...ante START per riavviare la pompa FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE La temperatura del trasformatore del controller ha superato i 90 C Attendere che la temperatura ritorni al di sotto della soglia Prem...

Страница 11: ...n den Bediener darauf aufmerksam da bei Nichteinhaltung Sch den an der Anlage entstehen k nnen ANMERKUNG Die Anmerkungen enthalten wichtige Informationen die aus dem Text hervorgehoben werden LAGERUNG...

Страница 12: ...ngeschlossenen Pumpe durchlesen Steht die Pumpe auf einem Tisch mu auf den stabilen Stand geachtet werden da sonst die Gefahr von Personen und Ger tesch den besteht Die Pumpe nie einschalten wenn der...

Страница 13: ...etten Das folgende Symbol ist in bereinstimmung mit der EU Richtlinie WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment angebracht Dieses Symbol nur in den EU L ndern g ltig zeigt an dass das betreffende...

Страница 14: ...neustarten FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Die Temperatur des Controller Trafos hat 90 C berschritten Warten bis die Temperatur unter den Schwellenwert gesunken ist Die Pumpe durch zweimalige Bet ti...

Страница 15: ...sage d attention apparaissent avant certaines proc dures qui si elles ne sont pas observ es pour raient endommager s rieusement l appareillage NOTE Les notes contiennent des renseignements importants...

Страница 16: est plac e sur une table s assurer que cette derni re est stable Ne jamais faire fonc tionner la pompe si la bride d entr e n est pas connect e au syst me ou si elle n est pas ferm e l aide de la b...

Страница 17: ...a mati re MISE AU REBUT Signification du logo WEEE figurant sur les tiquettes Le symbole ci dessous est appliqu conform ment la directive CE nomm e WEEE Ce symbole uniquement valide pour les pays de l...

Страница 18: ...e la pompe en marche FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE La temp rature du transformateur du contr leur a d pass 90 C Attendre que la temp rature retourne au dessous du seuil Presser deux fois l interrup...

Страница 19: ...ATENCI N Los mensajes de atenci n se visualizan antes de procedimientos que al no respetarse podr an provocar da os al equipo NOTA Las notas contienen informaci n importante extra da del texto ALMACE...

Страница 20: ...poyada sobre una mesa cerciorarse que es estable No poner en marcha nunca la bomba si la brida de entrada no est conectada al sistema o no est cerrada con la brida de cierre NOTA El conector di cierre...

Страница 21: ...tinuaci n es aplicado en observancia de la directiva CE denominada WEEE Este s mbolo v lido s lo para los pa ses miembros de la Comunidad Europea indica que el producto sobre el cual ha sido aplicado...

Страница 22: ...OVERTEMPERATURE La temperatura del transformador del controler ha superado los 90 C Esperar a que la temperatura vuelva por debajo del umbral Apretar dos veces el pulsador START para volver a poner en...

Страница 23: ...s de aten o s o visualizadas antes de procedimentos que se n o observados podem causar danos aparelhagem NOTA As notas cont m informa es importantes destacadas do texto ARMAZENAGEM Durante o transport...

Страница 24: e aparelhagem caso a bomba esteja apoiada numa mesa certificar se que esteja est vel Nunca activar a bomba se o flange de entrada n o estiver ligado ao sistema ou n o estiver fechado com o flange d...

Страница 25: ...gnificado do log tipo WEEE presente nos r tulos O s mbolo abaixo indicado aplicado de acordo com a directiva CE denominada WEEE Este s mbolo v lido apenas para os pa ses da Comunidade Europeia indica...

Страница 26: ...zes o bot o START para reactivar a bomba FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE A temperatura do transformador do controller superou os 90 C Aguardar at que a temperatura volte ao limite estabelecido Premer...

Страница 27: ...g lichamelijk letsel kan veroorzaken ATTENTIE Bij dit symbool staat tekst met procedures die indien niet opgevolgd schade aan apparatuur kunnen veroorzaken OPMERKING De opmerkingen bevatten belangrijk...

Страница 28: ...tabiel staat om letsel aan personen en schade aan het apparaat te voorkomen Laat de pomp nooit werken zonder dat de ingangsflens aan het systeem is gekoppeld of de afsluitflens is gesloten OPMERKING D...

Страница 29: ...het logo WEEE op de etiketten Het onderstaande symbool wordt aangebracht in overeenstemming met de EG richtlijn WEEE Dit symbool alleen geldig voor de landen van de Europese Gemeenschap geeft aan dat...

Страница 30: ...n twee maal de START knop om de pomp weer op te starten FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE De temperatuur van de transformator van de controller bedraagt meer dan 90 C Wacht tot de temperatuur weer onde...

Страница 31: ...der risiko for sv re personskader VIGTIGT Denne advarselsmeddelelse vises f r procedurer der skal f lges n je for ikke at risikere maskinskader BEM RK Dette g r opm rksom p vigtig information i tekste...

Страница 32: ...tilsluttes S rg for at pumpen st r fast hvis den er installeret p et bord Dette er for at forebygge skader p apparatet og personer Start aldrig pumpen hvis pumpetill bet ikke er tilsluttet systemet e...

Страница 33: ...rkaterne Nedenst ende symbol anvendes i overensstemmelse med det s kaldte EU direktiv WEEE Symbolet kun g ldende for EU landene viser at produktet som det sidder p IKKE m bortskaffes sammen med affal...

Страница 34: ...rdi Tryk to gange p START for at starte pumpen igen FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Temperaturen p styreenhedens transformator er over 90 C Vent p at temperaturen falder til under t rskelv rdi Tryk...

Страница 35: ...l finns risk f r sv ra personskador VIKTIGT Detta varningsmeddelande visas framf r procedurer som m ste f ljas exakt f r att undvika skador p maskinen OBSERVERA Detta visar p viktig information i text...

Страница 36: ...stadigt om den r installerad p ett bord detta f r att f rebygga skador p apparaten och personer S tt aldrig ig ng pumpen om intagsfl nsen varken r kopplad till systemet eller r blockerad p plats med l...

Страница 37: ...s som WEEE Den h r symbolen g ller endast i de l nder som tillh r den Europeiska Unionen indikerar att produkten p vilken symbolen har applicerats INTE f r skaffas bort tillsammans med vanliga hush ll...

Страница 38: ...under tr skelv rdet Tryck tv g nger p knappen START f r att starta om pumpen FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Temperaturen p styrenhetens transformator verskrider 90 C V nta tills temperaturen sjunker...

Страница 39: ...vorlige skader FORSIKTIG Denne advarselen vises foran fremgangsm ter som dersom de ikke f lges kan fore til at utstyret skades MERK Merknadene inneholder viktig informasjon som er hentet fra teksten L...

Страница 40: ...d m du kontrollere at pumpen st r st tt Dette er viktig for forhindre skader p apparatet og p personer Dersom inngangsflensen hverken er tilkoplet systemet eller dersom den er blokkert av l seflensen...

Страница 41: ...go WEEE p etikettene Symbolet nedenunder som finnes er anvendt i henhold til EC direktiv kalt WEEE Dette symbolet som bare gjelder for land i Det europeiske fellesselskap viser at produktet som det si...

Страница 42: ...dien Trykk to ganger p knappen START for starte pumpen FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Temperaturen p styreenhetens transformator er over 90 C Vent til temperaturen synker under terskelverdien Trykk...

Страница 43: ...kil vaurioita HUOMIO Huomio merkinn t varoittavat toiminnoista joiden laiminly nti voi johtaa laitteen vaurioitumiseen HUOM Huomiot sis lt v t t rke tekstist otettua tietoa VARASTOINTI Valvojan kuljet...

Страница 44: ...ita Mik li pumppu on asetettu p yd lle varmistakaa ett se on vakaa N in v ltyt n vammoilta ihmisille sek itse koneelle lk my sk n k ytt k pumppua mik li sis ntulon laippaa ei ole kytketty j rjestelm n...

Страница 45: ...a normien m r m ll tavalla H VITT MINEN Pakkausmerkinn iss olevan WEEE logon merkitys Alla n kyv merkki on lis tty pakkaukseen EY n ns WEEE direktiivin mukaisesti Merkki koskee ainoastaan Euroopan Uni...

Страница 46: ...kaksi kertaa jolloin pumppu k ynnistyy FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Valvojan muuntajan l mp tila on ylitt nyt 90 C tta Odottakaa ett l mp tila palaa kynnysarvon alapuolelle Painakaa START painona...

Страница 47: ...prosochv emfanivzontai prin apov ti diadikasive oi opoive eavn den ektelestouvn me prosochv qa mporouvsan na prokalevsoun zhmiev sth suskeuhv SHMEIWSH Oi shmeiwvsei perievcoun shmantikev plhroforive p...

Страница 48: ...euhv ovtan h antliva eivnai topoqethmevnh se evna trapevzi sigoureuteivte ovti eivnai kalav staqeropoihmevnh Mhn qevtete se leitourgiva thn antliva an h flavntza eisovdou den eivnai sundedemevnh sto s...

Страница 49: ...uphresiva episkeuwvn th Varian hv to Varian advance exchange service pou sa divnei th dunatovthta na evcete evnan kaqarismevno ruqmisthv se antikatavstash tou calasmevnou Prin kavnete opoiadhvpote epe...

Страница 50: ...NTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE H qermokrasiva tou metaschmatisthv xepevrase tou 90 C Perimevnete wvspou h qermokrasiva na katebeiv kavtw apov to anwvtato epitreptov shmeivo Pathvste duvo forev to koumpiv ST...

Страница 51: ...k FIGYELEM A figyelmeztet zenetek azon elj r sok el tt ker lnek megjelen t sre melyek figyelmen k v l hagy sa a berendez s k rosod s hoz vezethet MEGJEGYZ S A megjegyz sek fontos a sz vegb l kivonatol...

Страница 52: ...alon ker lt elhelyez sre a szem lyekben s a berendez sben val k rok elker l se rdek ben biztos tani kell az asztal stabilit s t Soha nem szabad a szivatty t a bementi peremnek a rendszerhez val csatla...

Страница 53: ...jelenl v WEEE logo jelent se Az al bb l that szimb lum az EK WEEE elnevez s ir nyelv vel sszhangban ker l alkalmaz sra Ez a szimb lum mely csak az Eur pai K z ss g orsz gaiban rv nyes azt jelzi hogy...

Страница 54: ...nyom gombot FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE A vez rl transzform tor nak h m rs klete t ll pte a 90 C t V rakozni m g a h m rs klet a k sz b rt k al esik A szivatty jraind t s hoz k tszer megnyomni a...

Страница 55: ...e jest przestrzegana w sposob prawidlowy moze przyczynic sie do powaznych obrazen osoby obslugujacej UWAGA Sygnaly wzrokowe ukazujace sie przed procedura jezeli zostana zlekcewazone moga spowodowac us...

Страница 56: ...o stabilny Pod zadnym pozorem nie uruchamiac pompy jezeli kolnierz wejsciowy nie jest polaczony z systemem lub nie jest zamknieta kolnierzem zamykajacym PRZYPIS W przypadku kiedy nie zostanie wykonane...

Страница 57: ...abel zasilajacy W przypadku decyzji zlomowania nalezy przeprowadzic operacje respektujac krajowe specyficzne normy PRZETWORSTWO ODPADOW Objasnienie znajdujacego sie na etykiecie znaczenia logo WEEE Uz...

Страница 58: ...a pompy FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Temperatura transformatora w kontrolerze przekroczyla 90 C Odczekac az temperatura sie obnizy ponizej ustalonego poziomu Nacisnac dwa razy przycisk START dla p...

Страница 59: ...ho zdrav POZOR Tyto zpr vy b vaj vizualizov ny p ed jakoukoliv procedurou je t eba se jimi dit aby nedo lo k po kozen p stroje POZN MKA Pozn mky vyjmut z textu obsahuj velmi d le it informace USKLADN...

Страница 60: ...napojen ho erpadla Aby se vyhnulo nebezpe kter m e ohrozit osoby i p stroj mus se zkontrolovat jeho stabilita v p pad e erpadlo je polo en na stole Jestli e vstupn p ruba nen napojen na syst m nebo n...

Страница 61: ...veden symbol odpov d sm rnic m CE pojmenovan m WEEE Tento symbol platn jen pro st ty Evropsk Unie ur uje e v robek kter je takto ozna en NESM b t likvidov n spole n s ostatn mi dom c mi nebo pr myslov...

Страница 62: ...t vr t pod mezn hodnotu Stisknout dvakr t tla tko START pro op tn spu t n erpadla FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Teplota transform tora kontrol ru p ekro ila 90 C Po kat a se temperatura op t vr t...

Страница 63: ...r vne m e zapr ini v ne osobn poranenia POZOR Sign ly pozor s pred t mi postupmi ktor v pr pade ich nedodr ania m u po kodi pr stroj POZN MKA Pozn mky zahr uj d le it inform cie vytiahnut z textu USKL...

Страница 64: ...a n vodu napojen ho arpadla Aby ste sa vyhli osobn mu nebezpe iu a po kodeniu pr stroja skontrolujte aby erpadlo umiestnen na pracovnom stole bolo stabiln erpadlo nikdy nena tartujte vtedy ke vstupn p...

Страница 65: ...WEEE nach dzaj ceho sa na t tkoch Aplikovanie doluozzna en ho symbolu dodr uje smernicu E s n zvom WEEE Tento symbol platn iba pre t ty Eur pskej nie znamen e v robok s t mto t tkom NESMIE by odstr n...

Страница 66: ...RT pre znovuna tartovanie erpadla FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Teplota transform tora controller prekro ila 90 C Po ka k m teplota neklesne pod hranicu Stla te dvakr t tla idlo START pre znovuna t...

Страница 67: do la jih ali hudih telesnih po kodb POZOR Znak pozor se pojavi pred postopke ki e jih uporabnik zanemari lahko napravo po koduje OPOMBA Opombe vsebujejo vse najbolj pomembne informacije iz besedil...

Страница 68: bodisi oseb kot naprave morate poskrbeti da ste rpalko stabilno polo ili e ste jo vgradili na mizi rpalka ne sme nikoli delovati e vhodna prirobnica ni priklopljena k sistemu ali e ni zaprta s zapi...

Страница 69: ...OPADKOV Pomen znamke WEEE na etiketah Spodaj navedeni simbol je v skladu z direktivo ES znano pod imenom WEEE Ta simbol ki velja samo v dr avah Evropske Skupnosti pomeni da izdelek NE SMETE ODSTRANITI...

Страница 70: ...ednostnim pragom Pritisnite dvakrat tipko START za ponoven zagon rpalke FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Temperatura transformatorja controllera je presegla 90 C Po akajte da se temperatura vrne pod n...

Страница 71: ...ous injury CAUTION The caution messages are displayed before procedures which if not followed could cause damage to the equipment NOTE The notes contain important information taken from the text STORA...

Страница 72: ...nel and damage to the equipment if the pump is laying on a table make sure it is steady Never operate the Turbo V pump if the pump inlet is not connected to the system or blanked off NOTE The input si...

Страница 73: ...standards DISPOSAL Meaning of the WEEE logo found in labels The following symbol is applied in accordance with the EC WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive This symbol valid only in...

Страница 74: ...ton twice to start the pump FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE The controller transformer temperature exceeded 90 C Wait until the temperature decrease below threshold value Press the START push button...

Страница 75: ...power supply analog and input output section microprocessor and digital section display and keyboard circuits The power supply converts the single phase 50 60 Hz AC mains supply into a 3 phase low vol...

Страница 76: ...ut Voltage 2 x T10A slow blow for 100 or 120 input Voltage P1 optoisolator input Minimum ON 3mA Maximum 5mA J2 optoisolator output 24 Vdc 60 mA In compliance with norms EN 61010 1 EN 61326 1 EN 55011...

Страница 77: ...ack Controller are shown in the following figures Controller models 869 9447 and 869 9547 outline P1 IN OUT J2 J10 TURBO PUMP 0 I FUSE TYPE T 220 240V 5A 100 120V 10A J13 SERIAL J7 PURGE VENT Turbo V...

Страница 78: ...oltage rating INTERCONNECTIONS The following figure shows the Controller inter connections Controller models 869 9447 and 869 9547 interconnection Connection P1 Logic Input Interconnections P1 input c...

Страница 79: ...res a closed contact When the contact is closed the turbopump and the interconnected devices are stopped until the operator give the Start command Local Mode give the Stop command and Start command Re...

Страница 80: ...ning speed speed threshold R2 OFF b If running speed speed threshold R2 OFF If NO is selected a If running speed speed threshold R2 OFF b If running speed speed threshold R2 ON 8 15 FAULT signal 24 V...

Страница 81: ...he controller to the pump The following figures show the controller output connector configuration where pins A F upper bearing sensor B C D 64 Vac 3 phase output to pump motor stator E ground A G pum...

Страница 82: ...n or equivalent 9 pin D type male connector The external cable not supplied between the host computer and the controller does not require crossed wires so that signals are connected correctly For exam...

Страница 83: ...t of the value contained in a window the slave answers a string equal to the one sent by the master but in addition there is the field DATA containing the value of the window The format of the field D...

Страница 84: ...0 30 30 2E 30 30 03 39 46 STX ADD WINDOW RD 000 00 ETX CRC Command FREQUENCY Source PC Destination Inverter 02 80 32 30 33 30 03 38 32 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC Source Inverter Destination PC 02 80 3...

Страница 85: ...VE OPENING DELAY expressed in sec max 65535 sec 145 L PURGE OPERATION 0 CLOSE 1 OPEN 147 N VENT OPEN TIME 1 sec bit 0 always open max 65535 sec 167 L STOP SPEED READING 200 N CURRENT A 201 N VOLTAGE V...

Страница 86: ...T C H E C K NOTE The above message is only displayed when a board with optional serial ports is installed A U T O T E S T O K The controller with the Soft Start mode allows the pump to ramp up to Nor...

Страница 87: ...z P X X X W N 2 P L I M X X X W Where N2 Gas flow Nitrogen or Argon expressed in SCCM Standard cubic centimeters per minute Press the CYCLE NUMBER push button twice and the display shows X X X X C Y C...

Страница 88: ...s selected the Soft Start mode allows the pump to rump up the Normal speed within ten steps When NO is selected the Soft Start mode is deselected and the rump up of the pump will be done within 360 se...

Страница 89: ...E X X X X where BAUD RATE XXXX means 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 baud rate for the host computer or printer communication The controller is factory set for 9600 baud rate operation The value which corresp...

Страница 90: ...of data available are Pump speed Hz Pump temperature Pump current A Pump power W R1 condition R2 condition Confirm the selection by pressing the PUMP CURRENT push button In this way you enter into an...

Страница 91: ...d value b pump speed threshold value after run up time c pump speed threshold value before run up time programmed speed threshold value R1 ON OFF a b c R1 operation R2 ON OFF a b c R2 operation delay...

Страница 92: ...n and the display shows R U N U P T I M E S E L X X h X X m X X s where RUN UP TIME is the interval time from start to speed threshold value in hours minutes seconds Select from 00 to 99 hours and fro...

Страница 93: ...e the speed threshold value see the preceding cycle diagram This function is factory set to YES D E L A Y E V E N A F T E R T H R E S H O L D Y E S Press the PUMP CURRENT push button and the display s...

Страница 94: ...rting the pump the cooling mode must be selected NOTE With the FRONT panel operation selected the REMOTE and RS 232 485 operations are inoperative conversely the CYCLE NUMBER and PUMP CURRENT push but...

Страница 95: ...h from 1 mbar to atmosphere the pump continues to operate indefinitely If the gas load at the turbopump inlet flange continues to stay high the power drawn by the turbopump increases up to the maximum...

Страница 96: ...he display shows P U M P R E A D Y U S E R S 2 3 2 L I N E H S If the Soft Start has been deselected the display shows R E A D Y F O R R S 2 3 2 S O F T S T A R T H S The value which corresponds to th...

Страница 97: ...TIFICATION Product Description Varian P N Varian S N Purchase Reference TYPE OF RETURN check appropriate box Paid Exchange Paid Repair Warranty Exchange Warranty Repair Loaner Return Credit Shipping E...

Страница 98: ...rate No zero high backround Gauge tube not working Display problem Vacuum system unstable Cannot reach test mode Communication failure Degas not working Failed to start Other Error code on display Oth...

Страница 99: ...1263 Toll Free 0120 655 040 Korea Varian Technologies Korea Ltd Shinsa 2nd Bldg 2F 966 5 Daechi dong Kangnam gu Seoul Korea 135 280 Tel 82 2 3452 2452 Fax 82 2 3452 2451 Toll Free 080 222 2452 Mexico...
