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User Manual Micro-GC
Varian, Inc.
During operation a series of events and error messages are generated indicating start
or finishing of certain actions and procedures as well as smaller and fatal errors
somewhere in the instrument. This section describes how micro-GC reacts to these
events or messages.
The following error classes as well as the subsequent actions are available:
Class 0
Internal event.
Basically these are only events indicating a certain procedure has started or finished. In
no way do they influence the proper functioning of the instrument.
Class 1
Advisory fault
the instrument continues.
These are the less-critical errors, advisory errors not requiring immediate action from
the user. The ongoing run may be minimally effected by it and thus need not to be
stopped. Class 2 error messages indicate certain malfunctions of the instrument. Some
errors of this type keep the instrument from becoming ready.
Class 2
Critical errors
for logging; error LED ON.
These are critical errors for which the user needs immediate warning (window-pop at
workstation! as well as Error-LED). The run in progress is to be stopped since its results
will definitely be wrong. Corrective action by the user or instrument service may be
Class 3
Fatal errors
for logging; instrument shut-down, error LED and buzzer ON.
These are fatal errors for which the user needs immediate warning! (Error-LED). An
instrument shut-down will be generated. Corrective action by the user or service is
All errors, independent of class are to be transferred to reader (PROstation or web
browser) connected for display (trouble shooting information) under instrument status.
All Class 1 and above errors will be logged on flash.
Individual numbers identify all errors; these numbers are built using the error class and
a number. Events are not numbered.