This SOP does not necessarily cover all possible hazards associated with the plant and should be used in conjunction with
other references
This SOP remains the property of Traffic and Access Solutions Pty Ltd
PORTABOOM® brand and designs
are registered trademarks of Traffic & Access Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 162 894 975
Prior to commencement of PORTABOOM®
setup, an assessment of overhead hazards
must be conducted.
If overhead hazards have been identified
where a PORTABOOM® needs to be
positioned, the Site Traffic Management
Supervisor (STMS) in consultation with the
PORTABOOM® Operator may be able to
reposition the PORTABOOM® in order to
remove the overhead hazard.
If a new position has been identified, ensure
that the scope of works can be maintained,
the change of location is recorded on the
On-site Record and the TMD is amended to
show the new location of the