VAMP 221
Arc protection system
Technical description
VAMP 24h Technical Support: +358 (0)20 753 3264
System testing
Testing of the central unit VAMP 221 (1)
The system is configured in INSTALL mode once the settings of
each system component have been completed. You can verify
the system configuration against the physical connections in
the INFO mode.
To verify the setting value, feed the targeted start current to
the current channel L1 or L3 (for example, 3 x I
). You can
monitor unit activation on the current measuring display and
by the I>int indicator light.
To verify the setting value, feed the targeted start current to
the current channel L2 or I
(for example, 3 x I
). You can
monitor unit activation on the current measuring display and
by the I>int indicator light.
If phase current is not fed to all three phases simultaneously,
the unbalance load alarm is activated. Unbalance is indicated
by a fault alarm (alarm No. 18). This alarm will not prevent
unit operation, however. Each unbalance alarm must be
separately acknowledged in the central unit.
Testing of the current I/O unit VAM 4C (2)
To verify the setting value, feed the targeted start current to
the current channel L1 or L3 (for example, 3 x I
). Then turn
the potentiometer until the unit activates and the L1 or L3
current channel indicator light is lit.
To verify the setting value, feed the targeted start current to
the current channel L2 or I
(for example, 3 x I
). Then turn the
potentiometer until the unit activates and the L2 or I
channel indicator light is lit.
If phase current is not fed to all three phases simultaneously,
the unbalance load alarm is activated. Unbalance is indicated
by a blinking LED in connection with the deviating phase. The
unit also sends a fault alarm to the central unit, where it must
be separately acknowledged. This alarm will not prevent unit
operation, however.
Testing of the light I/O unit VAM 10L (4, 5)
To verify the transfer of the light information, activate each
sensor using a powerful light source, such as a flashlight. To
verify the data transfer, check the light activation from the
unit’s indicator lights and central unit display.