VAMP 221
Arc protection system
Technical description
VAMP 24h Technical Support: +358 (0)20 753 3264
Functional system description
The protected installation is medium voltage switchgear with
three separate incomers. The switchgear has longitudinal
busbars between the incomers.
To minimize the fault zone, the switchgear is divided into three
separate zones when structurally possible. The different zones
are limited by circuit breakers and monitored by arc sensors
(2,4 and 5). The system receives current criteria from the
central unit (1) and current I/O units (3 and 6), which have
been installed at the incomers.
Switchgear back-up protection has been ensured by wiring the
CBFP contacts to the upper side of the supply transformers.
When setting the CBFP delay time, the standard break-time of
the feeder circuit breaker of the switchgear must be taken into
account. This may be very long for old circuit breakers.
The central unit, I/O units and multiplying relays (7 and 8)
serve as trip units. The central unit (1) trips its own feeder
circuit breaker in zone 1 faults (tripping group 1) and serves as
CBFP in zone 1, 2 and 4 faults (tripping groups 1 and 2), if the
current limit is exceeded. The multiplying relay (7) multiplies
the CBFP trip to all upstream circuit breakers. The arc sensor
I/O unit (2) trips the bus-coupler circuit breaker between zones
1 and 2 in faults in its own zone. The zone 2 current I/O unit (3)
trips its own input circuit and the bus-coupler circuit breaker
between zones 1 and 2. The trip has been multiplied with the
trip multiplier relay (8). The arc sensor I/O units (4 and 5) trip
the bus-coupler circuit breaker between zones 2 and 4 in faults
in their own zone. The zone 3 current I/O unit (6) trips its own
incomer circuit breaker, and arc I/O unit (5) trips the tie-
breaker to this zone.
Arc alarm is taken from the alarm relay of the central unit,
which activates in faults in all zones. System self-supervision
alarm is also taken from the central unit alarm relay.
System components
The system configuration comprises the following components:
one (1) VAMP 221 central units
two (2) VAM 4C current I/O unit
three (3) VAM 3L fibre I/O units
two (2) VAR 4CE multiplying relays
six (6) ARC-SLx fibre sensors