The Outer Case assembly can now be attached to the Heater.
Locate the bolts and washers supplied, and fasten the Arched
Lintel to the top surface of the Heat Engine as shown in Figure
20. Ensure the sheet metal components fit closely together, or
adjust the Arched Lintel attachment points for height as shown in
Figure 21 until they do so.
Observe the correct operation of the door. Using the handle, lift
the door slightly so that it
is released from the
“catch”. It should swing
freely, and open/close
If further adjustment to
the door alignment is
required, loosen the
fastening bolts(Figure 20)
and adjust the door within
its ”frame” by moving the
outer case slightly - left to
right - until the correct
door operation is achieved.
Refasten all bolts.
Remove the gas control
knob from the extension
Take the Top Plate, open
the hinged gas control
access panel, and locate the
top plate onto the two
Side Panels and
Arched Lintel,
taking care to insert
the control rod
through the guide
hole in the gas
control well (Figure
22). Refit the
control knob over
the control valve
extension rod. Push
firmly on.
Control Knob Adjustment
Due to
variations in
dimensions the
height of the
shaft linkage
between the gas
control valve
and the control
knob can vary.
If the shaft is
too long, it
could prevent
the cast iron
knob access door
from closing
properly. If the shaft is too short, it could prevent the pilot from
lighting because the gas valve is not depressing fully.
If the shaft protrudes less than 7/8”, first turn the control knob to
a position between the High and Medium setting. This will give
access to the Phillips head coupling screw through the hole found
at the rear of the heater in the mounting bracket which holds the
gas valve (see figure 22B). Adjust the coupling until 7/8” of shaft
protrudes through the hole in the top of the cast iron case.
Tighten the
If the shaft
more than
7/8” at its
position ,
Tighten the
coupling screw at the lowest shaft position. Make a note of how
much the shaft protrudes in excess of 7/8”. Remove the cast iron
case top and lift the rest of the cast iron case away from the
heater. Screw out the leveling feet on the cast iron sides by the
amount of excess shaft protrusion. (This will raise the cast iron
case top so that the shaft only protrudes by 7/8”). Replace the cast
iron case and top.
Tighten the screw firmly against the flat
face of the “D” on the control knob spindle
Fig. 22 Control rod location
Fig. 20 Arched lintel to heater
Fig. 21 Arched lintel height adjustment
Fig. 22A Control rod location
Fig 22B Control rod fastening