All Editions and Updates of this manual and their creation date are listed below. The first
Edition of the manual is 1. The Edition Number increments by 1 whenever the manual is
revised. Updates, which are issued between Editions, contain replacement pages to correct or
add additional information to the current Edition of the manual. Whenever a new Edition is
created, it will contain all of the Update information for the previous Edition. Each new Edition
or Update also includes a revised copy of this documentation history page.
Edition 1 ..................................................................................................................... October, 2007
Edition 2 ........................................................................................................................ March, 2015
This icon accompanies text and/or other international symbols dealing with hazards
to personnel. When present, it indicates that a potential hazard to your personal
safety exists if information stated within the "
" paragraph is not adhered
to or procedures are executed incorrectly.
This icon accompanies text and/or other international symbols dealing with potential
damage to equipment. When present, it indicates that there is a potential danger of
equipment damage, software program failure or that a loss of data may occur if
information stated within the "
" paragraph is not adhered to or procedures
are executed incorrectly.
Paragraphs marked by this symbol indicate that a potential hazard to your personal
safety exists from a high voltage source. In this document, the "
" icon will
accompany this symbol. To reduce risk of electrical shock, all devices employ a three-
wire electrical cable and plug to connect the equipment to earth ground. Ensure that
the wall outlet receptacle is properly wired and earth grounded.
DO NOT use a three-to-two wire plug adapter.
DO NOT use a two wire extension cord or a two wire multiple-outlet power strip.
Disconnect power to the system before performing maintenance.
DO NOT remove any panels; panels should be removed only by qualified service
Indicates the field wiring terminal that must be connected to ground before
operation the equipment --- protects against electrical shock in case of fault.