Hyperion Optical Sensors - Operating Manual:
MANUAL-1013637447-3 | issue: 1.6
Page | 17
– Valeport Ltd
4 Operation with 400 Series Instruments
If the Hyperion Instrument is used with a 400 series Instrument e.g. MIDAS CTD+ it should be
configured using DataLog x2 software as follows:
Baud Rate:
38400 (#059 38400)
The 400 series Instrument must be configured using DataLog Pro ver 04007125F1 or later
Ensure the 400 unit internal Power source (from 0400550) for the Hyperion is connected as
per cable form 0400C321.
Ensure the latest version of Hyperion interface code (04007181) is installed in the
Quartzonix Board (0400513)