VRC Series IOM
Technical Support: (800) 789-8550
Part Number 478603
Access Doors
When working on the unit, use the tie-back rod to
fasten the door open for convenience and safety. Find
the tie-back rod on the lower inside door lip. Pull up
on the inner end. Swing the rod toward the unit and
insert the end of the rod into the hole in the sheet
metal, as shown below. Replace the tie-back rod into
the door lip before closing the door.
Condenser Coil
Coils need to be periodically cleaned to operate at
design efficiency. Soiled fins reduce the capacity of
the coil and demand more fan energy.
High-pressure water can be used to clean coils. Spray
in the direction opposite the airflow to push dirt out
the front of the coil.
Test the spray pressure on a small area on a corner of
the coil to see how well the fins withstand the high
pressure. Foaming chemical sprays and washes are
available and should be used instead of high-pressure
water on more fragile fins or when high fin density
does not allow high-pressure water cleaning.
Clean the exterior casing occasionally to prevent
buildup of foreign material that can cause corrosion.
The required frequency of cleaning depends on the
location of the unit. If the paint is damaged, remove
any corrosion and repaint the surface.
Condenser Fans
Check condenser fan blades for cracks, dirt buildup,
or other damage. Clean fans blades if necessary to
prevent imbalance.