Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is an advanced charging technology that enables the solar
panel to output more power by adjusting the electric module’s operating statu
s. Due to the
nonlinearity of solar arrays, there exists a maximum energy output point (maximum power point) on
their curves. Unable to continuously lock onto this point to charge the battery, conventional
controllers (employing switching and PWM charging
technologies) can’t get the most power from
the solar panel. But a solar charge controller featuring MPPT technology can continuously track
array’s maximum power point to get the maximum amount of power to charge the battery.
Take a 12V system as an exampl
e. As the solar panel’s peak voltage (VPP) is approx. 17V while the
battery’s voltage is around 12V, when charging with a conventional solar controller, the solar panel’s
voltage will stay around 12V, failing to deliver the maximum power. However, the MPPT controller
can overcome the problem by adjusting the solar panel’s input voltage and current in real time,
realising a maximum input power.
Compared with conventional PWM controllers, the MPPT controller can make the most of the solar
panel’s max. power
and therefore provide larger charging current. Generally speaking, the latter can
raise the energy utilisation by 15% to 20% in contrast with the PWM.
Meanwhile, due to charging ambient temperature and illumination conditions, the max. power point
varies frequently, and the Valen MPPT 30A controller can adjust parameter settings according to the
environmental conditions in real time, so as to always keep the system close to the max. operating
point. The whole process is entirely automatic without the need of human intervention.