©2015 Toni Clark practical scale GmbH Zeiss-Str.10 D-32312 Lübbecke Tel. 0049 5741/5035 Fax. 05741/40338 www.toni-clark.com
Instructions Valach VM 120 B2-4T
Mount the ignition protected against vibration into your model. Do
wrap the
ignition cables with spiral tubing. This makes the cables heavier and as a result more
prone for vibration, especially where the spiral tubing ends at the spark plug connector.
The ignition states are indicated by a build-in acoustic siren.
After one minute without turning the engine, the ignition is deactivated. If you turn
the engine at a slow speed during this minute, no spark will be triggered and the igni-
tion indicates, when the sensor is activated by the magnet with a piep. A spark is only
triggered at starting speed to prevent the engine from unintendes running.
The active state of the ignition is indicated at regular intervals by two beeps with a
rising pitch. The inactive state ( after 1 minute without turning the propeller) is indicated
in the same way at regular intervals by two beeps with falling pitch.
Exhaust header
With four-stroke engines feasible header lengths have almost no effect on power, but
header length has a pronounced effect on the sound. When the engine is run without
a silencer, a longer header produces a “warmer”, more pleasing exhaust tone.
Silver solder 18 mm stainless steel bends #7281 onto the supplied steel flanges or to
our special oval flanges #7336. Connect the silencer with our flexible stainless steel
exhaust tube #3882 to the widened up end of the header. Silver solder the tube on
the header. On the end to the silencer it is sufficient to „screw“ the tube clockwise
on the silencer, and fix it by turn it counter clockwise. The diameter of the wrapped
tube widens or narrows while twisting it, so no clips are necessary. We can supply the
stainless steel bends.
Do not use Loctite! Attach the header with M4 Hex socket screws and spring washers
DIN 127A to the cylinder heads.