How to check
There is a hole
Stop of operation due to light
leakage detection
Replace combustion chamber
A. Fuel pump does not operate at all.
Failure of flame monitor
Replace flame monitor
Check if the pipe is clogged
Fuel line is clogged
Flow rate is lower by clogged
Clean fuel line
B. Fuel pump works but no fuel supply or Check if filter element is dirty ⇒ Figure7(P.19)
Filter element is dirty
Filter element is clogged
Replace filter element
low supply.
Check looseness of each joints
The connection has become loose
Air is coming
Fasten joints more tightly
Check if the fuel pump is clogged
Pipe is clogged
Flow rate is lower by clogged
Replace pump
Nozzle is clogged
Flow rate is lower by clogged
Replace nozzle
About DC 110V(For reference)
Failure of solenoid valve
Replace solenoid valve
Failure of burner controller
Replace burner controller
Failure of solenoid valve
Replace solenoid valve
C. Igniter does not spark.
Igniter does spark.
Plug connector (CN4) firmly
AC 120V
Failure of igniter
Replace igniter
Disconnection of Igniter
Failure of burner controller
Replace burner controller
Failure of igniter.
Replace igniter
D. Igniter does spark.
Check the fuel ⇒ Figure 8(P.19)
Use fuel other than diesel and kerosene Low quality fuel
Operate with appropriate fuel
Be mixed with water
Diesel and kerosenel goes bad
Measure the alignment of electrode.
Part is out of standard position.
Replace electrode
Check air inlet opening of fan moter.
Air inlet opening is unusual.
Operate with appropriate air inlet opening
Measure voltage at the CN4 terminal burner controller
Alignment of electrode is out
of standard
Check if there is a hole in the combustion section part
Standard: ⇒ Figure10(P.20)
Check if the nozzle is clogged
Unplug the solenoid valve connector (CN 6) from the
burner controller, then measure the resistance values
standard: 3.0 ⇒ Figure 13 (P.22)
standard: red-red:1.8kΩ ⇒ Figure3 (P.17)
Unplug the igniter connector(CN 4) from the
electrode、then measure the coil resistance values
Replug in igniter connector (CN 4), and then turn on
Voltage of flame monitor
The valves does not change or it is
much different from the standard
standard: dark:DC 5V or higher ⇒ Figure4 (P.17)
Measure voltage at CN6 terminal on burner controller
standard: black-black:about DC110V ⇒ Figure4 (P.17)
light:DC 5V or lower
Standard: black-black(Thick):about 4kΩ ⇒ Figure3(P.17)
standard: AC 120V ⇒ Figure4(P.17)
Replug in solenoid valve connector(CN 6) , and then
turn on
Improper quantity of
combustion air
「A1」is not displayed
(A ambient temperature is displayed)
Disconnection of solenoid
valve connector
Plug connector (CN6) firmly
Disconnection of Igniter