Safety 1
0020189893_03 atmoMAG Installation and maintenance instructions
With the exception of short periods for
testing purposes, only operate the product
when the front casing is installed and
1.3.13 Risk of material damage caused by
using an unsuitable tool
Use the correct tool to tighten or loosen
screw connections.
Regulations (directives, laws,
Observe the national regulations, stand-
ards, guidelines and laws.
Observe the national regulations, stand-
ards, guidelines and laws.
For this installation, observe in particular the
latest applicable versions of the following
ÖVGW (Austrian Association for Gas and
Water) directive G1 (ÖVGW-TR-Gas)
ÖVGW (Austrian Association for Gas and
Water) directive G2 (ÖVGW TR-Liquid
Country-specific building regulations
and/or OIB (Austrian Institute of Construc-
tion Engineering) directives
The gas-fired instantaneous water heater
must only be installed by a competent per-
son who also assumes the responsibility for
installing the unit properly and commissioning
it for the first time.
Before installing the gas-fired instantaneous
water heater, you must consult with the gas
supply company.
The gas-fired instantaneous water heater
must only be installed in rooms that are suffi-
ciently ventilated.
For this installation, observe in particular the
latest applicable versions of the following
laws, ordinances, technical rules, standards
and provisions:
Fire-prevention guidelines from the Ver-
einigung Kantonaler Feuerversicherungen
(Association of Cantonal Fire Insurance) in
Switzerland with regard to "Thermal heat-
ing systems, 2015"
SVGW (Swiss Gas and Water Industry
Association) gas directive G1, issue April
SVGW (Swiss Gas and Water Industry
Association) directives on water W/TPW
131 and W/TPW 115
EKAS (Swiss Federal Coordination Com-
mission for Occupational Safety FCOS)
directive, no. 1942: Liquid gas, part 2
SIA (Swiss Society of Engineers and Ar-
chitects) standards and regulations 181,
384/1 and /2, as well as 385
The provisions of the Eidgenössisches
Starkstrominspektorat (Federal Inspect-
orate for Heavy Current Installations) re-
garding the set-up of low-voltage products