14.3.2 Error messages rail bus
F001 overcurrent
Overload through continuous current
that is inadmissibly too high. The rat
ed motor current is incorrectly set.
Check the drive dimensioning, check
the settings
F002 Overtemp.
Theinternal temperature of the con
trol unit is too high, the ambient tem
perature is too high.
Lower the ambient temperature, en
sure better cooling
F003 Undervoltage
Failure of one or more grid phases,
the grid voltage is too low
Check current collector and power
F004 Overvoltage
Supply voltage is too high
Check supply voltage, check parame
F005 Powermod. SC
Fault in the output stage, fault in the
wiring at the drive, drive or control
unit is defective
Check drive wiring, exchange control
unit or drive
F006 Motor Therm
The drive is too hot due to inadmissi
bly high currents, short circuit PTC, no
PTC or thermal contact connected.
Check drive dimensioning, connect
PTC or thermal contact
F010 BrCh Ovld
The brake resistor is oveloaded
Cool down the controller, reduce the
number of break processes, reduce
the load on the carrier
F011 Status fault 11
Freely definable fault message, the
condition can be freely parameterized
Depending on the paramerization
F012 Status fault 12
F013 Status fault 13
F014 Status fault 14
F015 Status fault 15
F016 Status fault 16
F017 Status fault 17
F018 Status fault 18
F019 Phaseloss U
Drive phase U failed
Check drive and drive wiring
F020 Phaseloss V
Drive phase V failed
Check drive and drive wiring
F021 Phaseloss W
Drive phase W failed
Check drive and drive wiring
F022 CAN fault
Internal CAN communication inter
Acknowledge fault, exchange control
F023 Parameter fault
Parameter fault or no parameters up
Retransmit the parameters, exchange
control unit
F025 Int.Para.Memory
Internal parameter memory fault,
write error internal EEPROM
Acknowledge fault, exchange control
F026 Ext. Data stick
Exeternal parameter memory faults,
write error external data stick
Exchange external data stick, ex
change control unit
F027 No Barcode Ovr
No position read or gap in code band
too large
check code band
F028 BCR serial IF
Position reader interface fault, con
nection to position reader interrupt
ed, position reader defective
Check cabling, exchange code posi
tion reader