6.1 Application and use
DCS1 control systems provide the control of the drive motors in automated, rail based systems. The digital in
puts and outputs (IO) are used to analyze a variety of sensors and actuate the actuators.
The DCS1 control system series can in principle be differentiated by the type of communication. The following
communication methods are available:
HW (Half cycle)
PCB (rail bus)
SMGM (Slotted Microwave Guide Mini)
DCS1 - Half cycle control
The half cycle control is the simplest communication method between stationary and mobile control. Three
different signals (pos. half cycle, neg. half cycle, full cycle), which are used to control the system, are made
available for this purpose. The EHB tool is used for parameterizing/configuration. Three commands for the free
configuration - negative half cycle, positive half cycle and full cycle - are available for feedback.
DCS1 - Rail bus control
The rail bus control permits the control of complex applications as well the cyclic data transmission on the en
tire driving route. A continuous monitoring of the driving parameters, such as speed and position, is possible,
due to the cyclic communication between stationary PLC and mobile control system. In addition, it is possible
to query additional parameters (e.g. temperatures) through a non cyclical data retrieval. In addition, occurring
possible faults can be easier identified through special error codes and therefore they can be resolved quickly.
By using this communication method, the use of an absolute distance measuring system, e.g. APOS, is as
DCS1 SMGM control system
The communication through SMGM is realized through a slotted waveguide, which was especially designed for
this application. This method is suitable for complex control tasks. The advantage is the higher transmission
speed. Using the especially designed slotted waveguide makes it possible to have a parallel operation to other
industrial radio transmission processes, free of failures and interruptions. The field bus of the stationary side,
e.g. PROFINET, is also available on the mobile side - transparent transmission.
By using this communication method, the use of an absolute distance measuring system, e.g. APOS, is as