VADE RETRO TECHNOLOGY, SASU Au capital de 268 831
3 avenue Antoine Pinay, Parc d'activité des 4 vents, 59 510 HEM – France – RCS Rbx – Tourcoing - 509 568 416
10C 1V2 01/11 FR
User accounts
(Figure 11-4)
This section allows you to exclude mailboxes for which you do not want activation alerts to be sent to
users of this mailbox.
This could be particularly useful for mailboxes with multiple recipients. For instance, mail sent to an
address such as
may have multiple recipients.
Assuming that a mailbox can only have one user account, if an activation alert is sent to a group of
users accessing this mailbox, the first user who activates the account of the related e-mail address will
automatically be assigned this account.
For such cases it is advisable not to send an activation alert and consequently exclude the mailboxes
with multiple recipients. Thus, e-mails filtered by your MailCube will automatically be routed towards
the mutual account – accessible only by the MailCube administrator.
Figure 11-4
“User account” section