WideSHOT QUSB System
WideSHOT QUSB System - Document Number 342-0696 Rev. D
Page 26 of 44
Screen Shot: Admin Menu - System Menu
The System Menu is where the System Info is displayed and Firmware Updates are performed. There will be
firmware updates and upgrades over the life of the Quick-Connect. The file for the firmware update is chosen in
this menu and the update is started here. A remote system Reboot and Restore to Factory Presets is also available.
Screen Shot: Admin Menu - Update Confirmation
After clicking on “Begin Firmware Update…” a confirmation pop-up and warning will be displayed. Please contact
Vaddio Tech support for assistance with updates. Please read and completely understand the pop-up warnings as
it is easy to lose patience waiting for updates. Click on continue to start the update (this example is from 1.0.0 to