Adjusting Color
Color and Lighting Cheat Sheet
provides information on correcting specific issues.
To calibrate the camera and use the automated capabilities:
1. Ensure that Auto White Balance (the AUTO button under W BAL) is off.
2. Zoom in on a white object, such as a sheet of paper. At least 60% of the image area must be white for
the calibration to work properly.
3. Press OPWB. When the Universal CCU completes the calibration and color balance adjustment, the
reference object appears white in the image.
4. After the calibration and adjustment is complete, press the Auto White Balance button.
To adjust color manually:
1. Adjust the Chroma level to taste, so the colors are neither too intense nor too gray.
2. Adjust the red and blue levels. Adjusting for skin tones or using a color chart is an easy way to find a
good baseline setup.
Setting the Default Lighting Adjustments
The Universal CCU includes six predefined lighting scenes to use as starting-points for fine-tuning:
AUTO – automatic lighting management
Incand Lo – incandescent, low intensity
Incand Hi – incandescent, bright
Fluor Lo – fluorescent, low intensity
Fluor Hi – fluorescent, bright
Outdoor – daylight
To specify a stored scene to use on power-up:
1. Open the Cat-5 Adjustments menu on the display panel.
2. Select the scene that best fits the lighting needs:
3. Press the SELECT button to save your change.
Adjusting Light Level and Detail
1. Press the MANUAL button under IRIS to disable Auto Iris.
2. Dial the Iris to the largest aperture (lowest ‘f’ number).
3. Press GAIN and dial it down until the image is too dark. Then bring it back up until it is properly
4. Exposures that require high gain settings will have a grainy video image. Press DETAIL and adjust the
detail setting for a smoother image.
Complete Manual for RoboSHOT 12 and RoboSHOT 30 Robotic PTZ Cameras