admin login 13
changing 13
anatomy of the camera 2-3
auto iris 24
auto white balance 24
automatic NTP updating 12
backing up a configuration 18
backlight compensation 24
behavior on power-up 26
bit rate, constant or variable (IP streaming set-
ting) 14
blue gain 24
browser compatibility 7
camera ID setting (DIP switch) 23
camera select 5-6, See also camera ID set-
ting (DIP switch)
capabilities 1
CCU scenes 26
cheat sheet 5, 9
Vaddio IR Remote Commander 5
web interface 9
chroma setting 24
cleaning 31
color settings 24
colors of the status light 4, 30
compatibility, browsers 7
configuration, saving or restoring 18
connector identification 2
constant bit rate (IP streaming setting) 14
custom CCU scenes 24
custom home position, setting 26
default IP address 7
detail setting 24
diagnostic logs 20
Diagnostics page (web) 20
DIP switch settings 23
directional controls 5-6
fault isolation 30
firmware update 19
firmware version 19
focus 5-6
gain 24
getting help 20
guest access 13
allowing 13
Help page (web) 20
home position 26
custom 26
hostname 11
importing a configuration 18
inactive sessions (web interface) 13
indicator light 3-4, 23, 30
color scheme 23
enable/disable (soft DIP switch) 23
location 3
information, conference room 17
IP address 5-7, 11
enabling or disabling 14
maximum resolution available 21
quality 14
resolutions and frame rates 14
settings 14, 16
IR on/off (soft DIP switch) 23
IR remote 5-6
iris settings 24
labels, room 17
laser pointer 3, 23
enable/disable (soft DIP switch) 23
location 3
lighting settings 24
log files 20