noise cancellation 26
NTP server 20
operating environment 5, 78
operator 50-52
controls 50-52
packing list 2
page 16-20, 24-30, 32, 38-40, 43, 45-47, 77
Audio 24-30
Control Devices 40
Diagnostics 47
Graphics Library 39
Help 47
Networking 18-20
Room Labels 19
Security 16-17
Streaming 32
System 43, 45-46, 77
Video Inputs 38
Video Outputs 39
Video Switching 39
pan command 60
pan speed 60
part numbers 2
passwords 13, 16
admin 13
PEQ (parametric equalizer) 26
performance specifications 74
phantom power 27
pin-out, RS-232 8
ping command 70
power down 52, 71
power up 8, 71
order 8
powering microphones 27
presets 50, 62
quick reference 15
new device system administration 15
rebooting 46, 71
red gain 63-64
remote operation 48
resolution 33
IP streaming 33
restoring a configuration 43-44
restoring default settings 72, 77
RJ-45 connectors 5
room information 19
Room Labels page (web) 19
routing audio 30
RS-232 4, 8, 53
cable pin-out 8
communication settings 8
port 4
safety information 5, 78
saving a configuration 43
Security page (web) 16-17
self-signed certificate 11
serial command API 53
settings, default, restoring 72
soft conferencing application 48
software update 45
solving problems 75
source 30
audio 30
adjusting for differing speech volumes 28
adjusting volume 25, 51
equalizer 28
muting 25, 51
synchronizing audio with video 29
SSL certificate 17
standby state 41, 52, 67, 71
behavior of connected devices 41
static IP address 18
storage environment 78
storing a configuration 43
streaming 25, 32-33, 37, 48, 58-59
audio 25
enabling 37
IP 33, 48
settings 32-33, 58
state 59
Complete Manual for the AV Bridge Mini HD Audio/Video Encoder