TLT-2F GPS/GSM Car Tracker Instruction Manual V3.0
21. ACC detection and movement warning
1>Instruction to set movement warning area: 008 + user pa Rzzz.z
For example: 0080000R100.0
2>Instruction to turn off movement warning: 009 + user password
For example: 0090000
After receiving instruction 008, TLT-2F will return confirmation message: SET MOVE RADIUS OK. After
receiving instruction 009, TLT-2F will return confirmation message: MOVE DEFENCE:OFF.
Description: 1. zzz.z is mobile warning area radius, whose defined domain is [0.1, 999.9] with unit of KM.
2. After mobile warning area is set successfully, if TLT-2F detects that ACC status is switched from on to off,
the device will read current position information as origin of coordinates 3 minutes later. Whether GPS data is valid,
the device will perform electronic area defence with zzz.z as radius.
While ACC is turned off, if TLT-2F detects that the defence area is stepped beyond, it will send movement
warning message to all prestored numbers in message mode. Information status is STATE: ACC OS (or upload
current position information to the server in GPRS mode) and dial prestored number. (Whether to call is controlled
by 150/151. After restoration, message is sent instead of calling).
When it enters defence area again after stepping beyond defence area, the device will also send message and
call prestored phone (or upload position message in GPRS mode). Information status is ACC RS.
When TLT-2F detects that ACC status is switched from off to on, movement warning function will be
automatically cancelled. When ACC status is switched from on to off, movement warning function will be
activated again.
22. Instruction to set GPS status
Message instruction may make GPS in three statuses: on/off/self adapting. GPS is switched on when delivered
from the factory or reset.
1>Instruction to turn on GPS
Instruction format: 222 + user password (4 digits)
For example: 2220000
Description: After receiving the instruction, TLT-2F will return confirmation message: GPS ON OK.
2>Instruction to turn off GPS
Instruction format: 333 + user password (4 digits)
For example: 3330000
Description: After receiving the instruction, TLT-2F will return confirmation message: GPS OFF OK.
3>Instruction for self adapting GPS