TLT-2F GPS/GSM Car Tracker Instruction Manual V3.0
Note: 1. If zero clearing is not performed, the mileage read is accumulated value;
2. Mileage statistics is off by default.
18. Tow truck alert function
Turn on tow truck alert: 181 + user password
For example: 1810000
18.2 Turn off tow truck alert: 180 + user password
For example: 1800000
Description: After receiving the instruction, TLT-2F will return confirmation message: TOWED ALERT
ON. Now, tow truck alert function has been activated. When ACC is turned off, if it is detected that the device
continuously vibrates for 20 seconds, the device will call the first prestored phone number. If it fails (the phone is
turned off or cannot be connected), the second and the third phone number will be called in sequence. Finally, the
device will send positioning information returned from “request for single positioning” to the prestored numbers.
Information status is STATE: TOWED.
Note: 1. Default setting is tow truck alert on with vibration time of 20 seconds.
19. Low battery alarm
In case of too low working voltage (electricity quantity), TLT-2F will send position information with
information form
at of returned “request for single positioning” to the prestored three numbers. Information status
will be updated to STATE: LP. The information will be sent for 3 times with an interval of 1 minute.
20. Instruction to switch on/off ACC status prompt
1>Instruction to switch on ACC status prompt: 091 + user password
For example: 0910000
2>Instruction to switch off ACC status prompt: 090 + user password
For example: 0900000
Description: After receiving instruction 091 and confirming that user password is correct, TLT-2F will send
confirmation message to the sender “ACC STATE PROMPT: ON”. When ACC is
being switched on/off, the device
will send current position information to all prestored numbers immediately: “AUTO START/AUTO STOP”.
After receiving instruction 090 and confirming that user password is correct, TLT-2F will send confirmation
message to the sender “ACC STATE PROMPT: OFF”. When ACC is
being switched on/off, TLT-2F will not send
any data information.
Note: Default setting is ON. This setting isn
t influenced by the device switch-off/on until change instruction
or restoration operation is performed again.