Software Update/Uninstallation
If you want to update the software to newer version, you don’t have to uninstall it first. Just remove
or rename your “wittypi” directory and repeat the installing process, then you are all set.
If you prefer to completely remove the software, besides removing the “wittypi” directory, you
should also remove the “/etc/init.d/wittypi” file. There are some dependencies (such as wiringPi,
i2c-tools etc.), which may be installed during the software installation. In the majority of cases you
don’t have to remove them, but if you wish to you can check the content of “install.sh” script and do
the reverse.
~ $
mv wittypi wittypi.bak
~ $
wget http://www.uugear.com/repo/WittyPi3/install.sh
~ $
sudo sh install.sh