United States Filter Corporation
irreversible damage to the membranes, and void the warranty.
RO Product to Storage Tank Valve V-9
This valve is not include on the RO, but should be installed in the field as close to the storage tank as
possible. This allows the product piping to be rinsed to drain upon start up. It should be an air actuated
type, normally closed (fail closed) valve. The sequence of this valve is described above under
Quality Alarm CIT-1.
RO Product to Drain Valve V-10
This valve is not included on the RO, but should be installed in the field as close to the storage tank
valve V-9 as possible. There must not be any back-pressure on the drain piping after this valve. It
should be an air actuated type, normally open (fail open) valve. The sequence of operation for this valve
is described above under
Low Quality Alarm CIT-1.
If the
product valves are not installed, the air outlets on the control panel
for SV-2 & 3 will need to plugged.
Auto Flush Mode
A “MANUAL-OFF-AUTO” selector switch allows you to select one of three modes:
1. MANUAL-manually hold open the product divert valve
2. OFF-de activate the 2 hour auto flush mode
3. AUTO-activate the 2 hour auto flush mode
When the selector switch is put in the MANUAL position, the product to drain valve (V-10) will open
and stay open until taken out of the MANUAL position. When the switch is in the AUTO position, a
two hour timer is initiated each time the RO shuts down. If the RO has not automatically restarted
within the two hours, the RO will automatically start up and run product to drain for 5 minutes, then
return to the standby mode, and the two hour timer is again initiated.
When the switch is in the OFF position, the autoflush will not be activated. If the product divert valves
are not installed in the product line as noted above, this selector switch must be in the OFF or
MANUAL position only, or the RO could start up for five minutes every two hours and overfill the
storage tank.
Pretreatment Lock Out
There is a relay in the control panel that can be tied into the pretreatment system to shutdown the RO in
the event of an interruption in the feedwater supply. (This is typically caused by softener going into
regeneration or multi media filters going into backwash.) When a signal from the pretreatment occurs,
the RO will shutdown and go into a standby mode. At this time the PRETREATMENT LOCKOUT
light on the panel will be flashing. The RO will automatically re-start upon de-activation of the signal
from the pretreatment equipment. If there is no pretreatment interlock required, the terminals in the
control panel need to have a jumper wire connected across them. If the RO is run in the HAND mode,
the pretreatment interlock will be ignored. A loss of feed water will cause the unit to shut down on low
feed pressure.
Hand-Off-Auto Switch (HOA)