United States Filter Corporation
The pump will start 60 seconds after the HOA switch is turned to HAND or AUTO. If the feed pressure
does not rise above the required 10 PSI, the pump will not start. The pump will not start if the pre-
treatment lockout signal is active, or if the call for water signal is inactive.
Pump Discharge High Pressure Switch PSH-1
The pressure switch located on the pump discharge manifold will shutdown the RO unit if the pressure
exceeds the safe operating limits of the system. As soon as the alarm initiates, the HIGH DISCHARGE
PRESSURE light will start to flash and the RO unit will stop. There is no time delay, this is an
instantaneous shutdown. On the standard systems it is set to 300 PSIG.
Product Conductivity Sensor CE-2
A product (permeate) conductivity sensor will measure the conductance of the product water and send a
signal to the conductivity monitor in the Control Panel. The sensor has a 0.1/cm constant. The product
conductivity reading is used to calculate the system rejection. The product and feed conductivity
readings are used to calculate membrane rejection, which is displayed as percent rejection on the
monitor. If the percent rejection value drops and stays below the setpoint (factory set at 96%), for five
minutes, the unit will shut down. The time delay gives the unit time to rinse up to quality upon start up.
Low Quality Alarm CIT-1
Whenever the percent rejection value is below the setpoint, the LOW QUALITY light will flash and a
five minute time delay begins. Whenever the LOW QUALITY light is flashing, the product divert to
drain valve will be opened. (note the product divert to drain valve is not included on the RO unit, but
must be installed in the field. If it is not installed, activation of SV-2 will have no effect on the system.)
This will keep low quality permeate water out of the storage tank. When the quality rises above the
setpoint, SV-3 will energize and open the product to storage tank valve, and after a 10 second time
delay, SV-2 will de-energize and close the product divert valve. The 10 second time delay is
incorporated to give the storage tank valve time to open before the divert valve closes.
Reject Flow Sensor FE-1
The flow sensor in the reject line will send a pulse signal to the flow monitor. The reject flow will be
displayed on the primary display line of the quality monitor CIT-1.
Flow Monitor FIT-1
The flow monitor will take the two flow signals from the feed and reject lines, and calculate the product
flow. (Feed flow minus reject flow equals product flow.) The monitor is completely programmable by
the user to adjust alarm set points and display readings. The factory default display will show product
flow and reject flow on the primary display, and feed flow on the secondary display. The 4-20-mA
outputs from the monitor for product flow and reject flow will be wired to terminals in the panel in the
event these signals are needed. The two relay alarm outputs will be used to shut down the RO if the
product or reject flows are out of range.
Flow Alarm FIT-1
The flow monitor has two relay outputs that will go into the PLC to alarm on Low Reject Flow and on
High Product Flow. If the flow is more than 5% above the recommended product flow or 5% below the
recommended reject flow, the Flow Alarm light will flash and a two minute timer starts. If the flow
stays out of range for more than two minutes, the RO unit will shut down. Incorrect flows will cause