• Repair of Arc Welding should be carried
out only by qualified personnel. The repair or
maintenance performed by a qualified perso-
nano can create risk of injury.
• When repairing the machine using only
genuine replacement parts. Follow the ins-
tructions in the maintenance section of this
manual. The use of unauthorized parts or
failure to follow maintenance instructions
may create a risk of electric shock or injury.
Each item listed below must be carefully chec-
ked before operation:
• Make sure that the welding machine has
reliable earth connection.
• Make sure that there is always sound out-
put and input wire connection without any
short circuit of the output side.
• Make sure there is always sound Insulative
protection of the input and output wire and
reliable connection.
Regular check needs to be conducted by the
qualified personnel after the welder has been
installed over a period of not later than six
months, which involves as follows:
• Routine cleaning needs to be done to make
sure that there is no abnormal loose parts
happening in the welding machine while re-
gular dust cleaning is necessary.
• Check the welding cable to see if it can con-
tinue to be used before it is worn out.
• Replace the welder’s input cable as soon as
it is found to be broken or damaged.
• Make sure whether there is enough power
supply to make the welding machine work
properly and the input power must load the
safety protection device.
Cut off the power supply be-
fore opening the case to check.
Please do not hesitate to
contact the manufacturer or the agent for te-
chnical assistance whenever you come across
the problems you can not work out or you
may deem difficult to fix.
Arc Welder is an arc welding power source
manually operated by a single person. The
main parts of this machine are transformer,
rectifier and reactor. It is current stepless ad-
justment welding machine. It is characteri-
zed by soft and stable arc, little spatter and
good welding performance. This machine can
work with acid electrode, alkaline electrode
and cellulosic electrode. It can get satisfied
effect to welding mild steel, medium carbon
steel, mild alloy steel, stainless steel and some
nonferrous metals such as nickelic alloy and
copper alloy. It can be used in ship building,
boiler, pressure container, construction, elec-
tric power, mining machinery industries.
welder’s structure
Arc Welding Machines adopts the movable
box like structures.
With a handle, wheels and hoisting ring at
the top of the case and four wheels at the
bottom, it is very convenient to carry and
transport. There are switch, power indicating
light, current adjusting hand wheel, output
socket on the front panel, and cooling fan,
power input connection box and earth bolt
on the back of machine.
1. Power indicating light
2. Power switch
3. Power connection box
4. Current indicator
5. Handle
6. Output socket
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