DS 4501-002
LBT 8249
e-mail:[email protected]
20151 MILANO - V.Gallarate 218
Tel. 02.380.111.75 - Fax 02.380.111.80
00043 CIAMPINO (ROMA) V.L. Einaudi 17/19A
Tel. 06.791.07.30 - Fax 06.791.48.97
80013 CASALNUOVO (NA) V.Nazionale delle Puglie 3
Tel. 081.193.661.20 - Fax 081.193.661.04
30030 VIGONOVO (VE) - V.del Lavoro 71
Tel. 049.738.63.00 r.a. - Fax 049.738.63.11
66020 S.GIOVANNI TEATINO (CH) - V.Nenni 17
Loc. Sambuceto Tel.
Tel. - Fax
+39 (RIC. AUT.)
+39 - 323
Area tecnica
servizio c39
SIP account: SIP service registration parameters supplied by a service provider (see step 3 of the quick confi guration for examples).
ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line: Modems attached to twisted pair of copper wiring that transmit from 1.5Mbps to 12Mbps downstream
(to the subscriber) and from 16kbps to 1280kbps upstream, depending on line distance.
CODEC: Abbreviation for Coder-Decoder. It is an analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) converter for translating the signals from the
outside world to digital, and back again.
DNS: Short for Domain Name System (or Service or Server), an Internet service that translate domain names into IP addresses.
DTMF: Dual Tone Multi Frequency. The standard tone-pairs used on telephone terminals for dialing using in-band signaling. The standards defi ne
16 tone-pairs (0-9, #, * and A-D) although most terminals support only 12 of them (0-9, * and #).
DHCP: The Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol (DHCP) is an Internet protocol for automating the confi guration of computers that use TCP/IP.
DHCP can be used to automatically assign IP addresses, to deliver TCP/IP stack confi guration parameters such as the subnet mask and default
router, and to provide other confi guration information such as the addresses for printer, time and news servers.
FXO: Foreign exchange Offi ce: analogic line port on PBX or similar devices.
ITSP/ISP: Internet Service Provider.
LAN: Local Area Network.
NAT: Network Address Translation. This technique modifi es the IP address of the packages transiting on a network. It is usually implemented in
routers and used to connect different devices to a router to diversify them. All devices will be presented to the network with the common router
PPPoE: Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet is a network protocol for encapsulating PPP frames in Ethernet frames. It is used mainly with cable
modem and DSL services.
PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network. The phone service we use for every ordinary phone call, or called POT (Plain Old Telephone), or
circuit switched network.
Realm: this term is commonly used to refer to the connection data of a SIP service (see SIP Account).
SIP: Session Initiation Protocol, An IP telephony signaling protocol developed by the IETF (RFC3261).
SIP is a text-based protocol suitable for integrated voice-data applications. SIP is designed for voicetransmission and uses fewer resources and
is considerably less complex than H.323.
STUN: Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs is a network protocol allowing clients behind NAT (or multiple NATs) to fi nd out its public address,
the type of NAT it is behind and the internet side port associated by the NAT with a particular local port. This information is used to set up UDP
communication between two hosts that are both behind NAT routers. The protocol is defi ned in RFC 3489. STUN will usually work well with non-
symmetric NAT routers.
TFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol, is a very simple fi le transfer protocol, with the functionality of a very basic form of FTP; It uses UDP (port 69)
as its transport protocol.
VAD: Voice Activity Detection or Voice Activity Detector is an algorithm used in speech processing wherein, the presence or absence of human
speech is detected from the audio samples.
VLAN: A virtual LAN, known as a VLAN, is a logically-independent network. Several VLANs can coexist on a single physical switch. It is usually
refer to the IEEE 802.1Q tagging protocol.
VoIP: Voice over the Internet. VoIP encompasses many protocols. All the protocols do some form of signaling of call capabilities and transport of
voice data from one point to another. e.g.: SIP, H.323, etc.
WAN: Wide Area Network.