Your DVR can be reached on the Internet (with or without DDNS) only if the Internet service supplier assigns a public IP
address (static or dynamic) to the router. It is therefore advisable to check this crucial detail with your Internet provider
1. DVR network parameter setup
The URMET DVR network configuration is DHCP mode by default (automatic IP address allocation):
a) If the network to which DVR is connected supports DHCP, simply display the parameters that the DVR acquires
automatically from the network in “Menu Network”. Wait for ten seconds or so for the parameters to be
allocated and appear automatically in the menu: IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS (see below).
to save the changes.
b) The DVR parameters must be allocated manually if the network does not support DHCP. Select “
Type = Static
on the “Menu Network” and fill in the following fields: IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS.
Press APPLY to save the changes.
The DNS fields must be filled in correctly for correct operation of the DDNS system.
2. Port setup
At this point the external doors of the router must be forwarded to the DVR. The function is usually called “Port-forwarding”
or “Virtual Server” in the router configuration menu. The ports set on the router must correspond to those of the DVR.
a) Set different values on the DVR if the default ports of the DVR (80, 9000, 18600) are already in use in the port-
forwarding table of the router.