UPnRIDE Powered Wheelchair User Guide
Page 88 of 90
Document Version: UM-01-01_Rev B5
ISO 7176-3
Parking brakes maximum slope while the wheelchair facing
15° (Sitting position)
10.9° (standing position)
ISO 7176-3
Running brakes, minimum braking distance from maximum
speed forward on horizontal surface, normal operation
4.26 [ft.] (Sitting position)
2.62 [ft.] (standing position)
ISO 7176-3
Running brakes, minimum braking distance from maximum
speed forward on horizontal surface, reverse operation
2.62[ft.] (Sitting position)
2.29 [ft.](standing position)
ISO 7176-3
Running brakes, minimum braking distance from maximum
speed forward on horizontal surface, emergency operation
1.64[ft.] (Sitting position)
1.31[ft.] (standing position)
ISO 7176-
Maximum obstacle height that can be climbed and descended,
reference operation (obstacle mode)
ISO 7176-
Maximum obstacle height that can be climbed and descended,
manufacturer’s recommended operation (obstacle mode,
diagonal approach)
ISO 7176-6
Maximum speed forwards (on horizontal)
3.73 mph (sitting
position), 2.8 mph
(standing position).
ISO 7176-6
Minimum braking distance from maximum speed
ISO 7176-
Seat plane angle dimension (1)
fixed = 4°
ISO 7176-7
Effective seat depth dimension (2)
min = 17.32"
max = 21.26"
ISO 7176-7
Effective seat width dimension (4)
fixed = 17.16 mm
ISO 7176-7
Seat surface height at front edge dimension (5)
Fixed = 21.06"
ISO 7176-7
Backrest angle dimension (6)
min = 90 °
max = 135°
ISO 7176-7
Backrest height dimension (7)
fixed = 21.18"
ISO 7176-7
Footrest to seat distance dimension (11)
min = 16.33"
max = 21.06"
ISO 7176-7
Leg to seat surface angle dimension (15)
min = 180°
max = 90°
ISO 7176-7
Armrest to seat distance dimension (16)
Max = 10.74"