UPnRIDE Powered Wheelchair User Guide
Page 58 of 90
Document Version: UM-01-01_Rev B5
Driving on Side Slopes
Do not drive the wheelchair on side slopes steeper than indicated in chapter 11: Specification if you
can avoid it. There is a risk of tipping.
Changing the seat from the default location changes the center of mass and increases the risk of
tipping. Therefore, use the Seat Elevator, Sit to Stand and Seat Forward functions with extreme
caution and at low speed.
Avoid driving on ramps that do not have proper edge protection.
On steep slopes consider driving in a sitting position to avoid tipping.
Always drive on side slopes and hills at low speed and with great caution.
On steep side slopes consider driving in a sitting position to avoid tipping.
Avoid braking suddenly and sudden evasive maneuvers. Never drive so fast that you are unable to
control the wheelchair safely without risks.
Be extremely careful when driving on side slopes with an uneven surface (for example grass,
gravel, sand, ice and snow).
System Limitation
The permitted driving angles for both sitting and standing positions are defined in chapter 11:
Figure 6-17: Driving on Side Slopes