UPnRIDE Powered Wheelchair User Guide
Page 50 of 90
Document Version: UM-01-01_Rev B5
Using the Stand-up Feature
Pinch Warning
Keep hands and fingers clear of all moving parts on the wheelchair. This is especially important when
operating the stand-up and seat down features.
Before Rising to the Standing Position
Make sure you are securely strapped into the seat and the knee supports are locked. Refer to
chapter 5: Getting Seated.
Make sure that the wheelchair is on a flat, level surface.
Do not raise the wheelchair to an upright position when you are on or approaching a slope or
near a change of slopes.
Rising to the Upright Position
Step 1
Press up and hold the Sitting/Standing switch. The wheelchair will rise to the upright position.
Figure 6-7: Sitting/Standing Switch - Push to Stand
System Limitation
When on a slope steeper than 7° while in the upright position, the wheelchair automatically slows
down. This is independent of the auto-balancing system.