8. The 2550 must be programmed to send a Test signal to the central station a
minimum of once every 24 hours.
9. The 2550 Output Relay #1 must be programmed for Loss of Cellular Service
(i.e., Network Trouble Supervision), must be connected to a reporting zone on
the alarm panel, and the zone must be set up as closed in the normal state and
open in the off-normal state . Activation of this zone must annunciate locally.
10. The 2550 Output Relay #2 must be programmed for Failure to Receive ACK
from the Central Station (i.e., Communications Failure), must be connected to a
reporting zone on the alarm panel, and the zone must be set up as closed in the
normal state and open in the off-normal state. Activation of this zone must
annunciate locally.
9. Specifications
Panel to Model 2550 Interface
- Line Voltage
48 VDC On-Hook
- Dial tone
350 + 440 Hz +/- 0.2%
- Distortion
All tones less than 2.0%
- DTMF twist accuracy
+/- 1 dB
- Panel tones
+/- 0.2%
- Receive level minimum
- 45 dBm
- Receive S/N minimum
20 dB
- Line impedance
600 ohms
- Ringer Equivalence
0.3 REN
- Mode
Loop start. 26 mA typical
Phone Line Monitor
- On-Hook voltage
8 - 50 VDC
- Off-Hook current
10.0 mA
- AC Supply
16 V 40VA
- Normal Current (On Hook)
125 mA
- Maximum Current (Off Hook) 450 mA
- Battery standby current
20 mA
- Battery
12V, 1.4 AH
- Avg. Current
215-250 mA
- Peak Current
1.3 – 1.5 A
- DC Voltage
3.3- 4.5 V D.C.
- Sensitivity
-106 dB (typical)
- Temperature Range
to +70
- Humidity
0 to 95% non-condensing