6. Definition of Output Relays (Default = #1 Loss of Cellular Service, #2 Central
Station ACK Failure, #3 Total Unit Failure)
There are 11 Trouble states that be declared by the 2550, and each of these
states can be programmed from the Dealer Web Site to activate one of the three
Output Relays. The 11 Trouble states are:
AC Power Loss
Low Battery
Telco Trouble
Cable Supervision Trouble (Panel to Model 2550)
Loss of Cellular Service
Model 2550 Unit Disabled (via Web Site command)
Failure to receive ACK from Central Station
Watchdog Circuit Trouble
Input 1 Off-Normal
Input 2 Off-Normal
Total Unit Failure (defined as Loss of AC power and battery voltage below
8.0 volts)
7. Send Trouble Condition to Central Station (Default = Low Battery and Telco
Trouble only)
Any or all of the Trouble Conditions detectable by the 2550 can be programmed
to report that condition (and its Restoral) to the monitoring Central Station.
Appendix A
for a list of Contact ID format and SIA format event codes
generated by the 2550
that can be sent to the central station receiver.
Appendix B
for a list of the default event codes
transmitted by the 2550
H. Default Event/Email Messages
Email and Text Messaging will only be available for Status events (e.g., Low
Battery, Test, etc.) and state transitions on the 2 Inputs of the 2550. Events
transmitted from the premises alarm panel via the 2550’s dialer capture function
will not be sent out by email or text messaging.
The information sent to the programmed email address(es) will be the raw
Contact ID or SIA Event Code data plus the Zone number.
I. Completing the Installation and Testing
Once the physical installation is completed, the unit is activated from the Dealer
Web Site, and programming changes are made, test the 2550 along with the
alarm panel to ensure everything is functioning properly.