Bluetooth Wireless Home-Networking System
6. NAP Settings Configuration
If a Bluetooth enabled computer connects to a LAN, it can act as a NAP (Network Access Point). That
is, after other computers (so-called PAN Users) join it to form a BlueNetwork, these PAN Users can
access LAN through the NAP as if they are attached to LAN directly.
6.1 Setting up NAP on the server
1). Make sure the server computer is connected to the LAN
2). Right click on the blue star icon on the Task Bar and select Options
3). Check on the checkbox for Access Outside Networks in the NAP Settings section
4). In Netcard select your really network card
6.2 NAP client computers
NAP client computers will acquire the IP address automatically from the NAT server running NAP
for accessing the BlueNetwork as well as the Internet resources.
a. Your BT Network adapter will acquire an IP address automatically when you are using
Windows 98 or ME. Or you can manually setup a static IP address for the BT network
adapter but you need make sure no other computer is using the IP address
b. If you are using Windows ME, it will take longer time for connecting the client
computers to the server running NAP. Please be patient and after 3 to 4 minutes it will
connect to the BlueNetwork.