Calibration of U137, U235 & 237 Series Weight Indicators.
Date:141027 B01950 6(10)
Setpoints, Time, Date and Programmable Serial Output.
Keyboard functions.
Steps forward in the sequence. Stores previous value in the EEPROM.
Steps back in the sequence. Stores previous value in the EEPROM.
Selects the digit position of the data. In sign position, the NET indicator blinks.
Increments the digit value and changes sign at setpoints.
Prints the sequence and leaves it.
{F} {F}
Leaves the sequence.
By pushing {ZERO} and {TARE} simultaneously, or sending V or v, it is possible to enter 2 setpoints
(must be even numbers). First setpoint 1 is displayed. After {ZERO} setpoint 2, indicated by COUNT PCS on.
Output interface for the setpoints are described in B01900.
U237. Push {F} {COUNT} {ZERO} and hhmmss for hours, minutes and seconds is displayed. Change time.
U237.Push {F} {COUNT} {COUNT} {ZERO} and yymmdd for year, month and day is displayed. Change date.
Both are left by {F} {F} or {PRINT/TEST}.
Program m able serial output.
By pushing {F} and then {PRINT/TEST} a sequence is entered. NNXXX is dis-
played, where 00
59 is a sequence number and XXX is the decimal value for the ASCII character or the
special function code according to below. The data are executed in the order they are entered.
Cs01:05 means that the string is sent continuously and Cs01:06 that the string is sent on print command.
Function codes:
000 Last character in the string. 000 and following characters are not sent.
176 Gross weight.
177 Net weight.
178 Displayed value, net, gross.
179 (AD8- and hexvalue from voltage on PE7. LOP = low power. Reset after 256 measurements.) For test.
180 Tare value.
181 Weight > setpoint 1, >1 is sent, else <1. For test.
182 Weight > setpoint 2, >2 is sent, else <2. For test.
183 Sign, 6 digit value and decimal point according to Cs19:=7.
184 Multiple range digit from 1 up to 6.
185 O/space (ASCII 79/32) for overrange/normal operation.
189 Date as dd - mm - 20yy, where yy are the two last digits of the year, mm month and dd day. Option.
190 Time as hh : mm : ss, where hh are hours, mm minutes and ss seconds. Option.
191 Date as 20yy - mm - dd, where yy are the two last digits of the year, mm month and dd day. Option.
192 W eight/unit in g.
193 5 digit value for setpoint 1.
194 5 digit value for setpoint 2.
195 Units net. Net weight/(weight/unit).
196 Displayed value without sign and decimal point, only 5 digits.
197 X (ASCII 88) is written on negative transition on IRQ, else space (ASCII 32). For test.
198 Tilt angle. Pitch on PE5. U2375. For test.
199 Tilt angle. Roll on PE6. U2375. For test.
200 Digit 4, most significant.
201 Digit 3.
202 Digit 2.
203 Digit 1.
204 Digit 0, least significant.
205 Sign, -/+ (ASCII 45/43).
206 Sign, -/space (ASCII 45/32).
207 G ross = 1 (ASCII 49), net = 2 (ASCII 50).
208 M/space (ASCII 77/32) for unstable/stable weight.
209 N/G (ASCII 78/71) for net/gross.
210 T/space (ASCII 84/32) for tare/no tare.
211 Z/space (ASCII 90/32) for zero/outside zero.
Serial input.
The serial buffer in the indicator is 12 bytes.
DTR on the serial output is set low when 11 bytes are stored in the buffer.
Only characters according to below are used. Other are ignored and the buzzer does not sound.
Decimal ASCII value of the character in ( ). Small letter may also be used.
ASCII sign
F (70)
Z (90)
P (80)
A (65)
N (78)
C (67)
xxxxxx E
Only the entered number xxxxxx (up to 6 digits) is sent. Else as for P.
xxxxxx P
The weight or number of pieces in counting mode is preceded by the number xxxxxx.
The number is displayed one measurement cycle.
Other used ASCII character than digit, P, E or CR (13) resets the input buffer. CR is ignored.
F A x A
The tare value x is entered, and the indicator displays the net value.
Enters always gross mode.
F fc P
The indicator transmits the value according to the two last digits of the function codes (fc) 176 to 178,
180, 183, 184, 189 to 199 above. With {F} {COUNT} the fc (two last digits) may be entered manually.
F 60 P
Program EPROM number, date, check sum, calibration sequence is sent on the serial output.
F 01 P
Tilt angle, pitch on PE5 continuously. Angle and gross weight with P. Leave with F F.
F 02 P
Tilt angle, roll on PE6 continuously. Angle and gross weight with P. Leave with F F.