Digital Video Network Surveillance System
Unisight Digital Technologies, Inc.
Please make sure the PTZ you are using can support cruise function.
There is one RS-232 port at DVR rear panel. In main menu, move “Active Frame” to
“RS232” icon and perss
key, you enter into “RS232” setup menu:
RS232 menu description
RS-232 parameters:
Including baud rate, data bit, stop bit, parity, flow control, etc.
Work mode:
The RS-232 can be used as “Console”, “PPP” or “Transparent Channel”.
Console: Connect with PC serial port. You can use HyperTerminal or NetTerm to control it.
PPP: Connect Modem, using PSTN to transfer video image.
Transparent channel: Connect serial devices. Remote PC can control these serial devices
through network.
PPP Mode:
Only used when work mode is “PPP”. There are two options: “Active”
and”Passive”. “Active” means DVR will diaup through PSTN. “Active” function is not available.
“Passive” means DVR will wait for dialup.
Callback mode:
Only used when work mode is “PPP”. There are two options: “By Dialer”
and “Preset Tel’. This function is not available.
Remote IP:
Only used when work mode is “PPP”. This IP is defined for remote PC that will
connect DVR through PSTN.