background image




 2.1 Safety 


 2.2 Repairs


Operating environment conditions

 2.4 Ambient 


 2.5 Electromagnetic 


 2.6 Battery 


 2.7 Disposal




2.7.2  Bicycle computer disposal




 2.8 Maintenance


Cleaning and care




2.11  Notes on these operating instructions


2.12  Scope of delivery





Bicycle computer mount and bicycle computer 



Fitting the sensor





Switching on the bicycle computer for the fi rst time



Setting the tyre size 



Setting the clock



Bicycle computer check



Restart / Reset



Automatic starting /stopping of readings



6.1  Resetting the route data to zero


 7.1 Bicycle 





From 07/2011


This bicycle computer has been designed solely for use as a bicycle computer. 
Bicycle computers provide information on the speed and distances covered. Any use 
other than described in these operating instructions is not permitted and may result 
in damage and injuries. No liability shall be assumed by us for any improper use. You 
will fi nd more notes and explanations in the operating instructions. 


2.1 Safety instructions

Please read this chapter carefully and follow all the instructions given. This will 
guarantee reliable operation and a long service life of your bicycle computer. Please 
keep the packaging and the operating instructions in a safe place, for the purpose 
of passing them on to a new owner should you sell or give the bicycle computer 
to somebody.
Under no circumstances open the housing of the bicycle computer or sensor, since 
none of the parts inside require maintenance (the exception here is when you 
open the battery compartment to insert or replace the batteries – refer to section 
7 Replacing the batteries). Do not place any objects on the bicycle computer and 
do not apply any pressure to the display, as this could cause damage to it. To avoid 
damage, do not touch the display with any sharp objects.

2.2 Repairs

In the event of any necessary repairs or technical problems, please contact 
exclusively our service centre. You will fi nd the address in the warranty provisions 
(section 10).

2.3 Operating environment conditions

The bicycle computer is splash-water protected. Ensure that your bicycle computer 
is not exposed to wet conditions or extended conditions of high humidity, and avoid 
dust, heat and extended periods of direct sunlight. Failure to observe these instruc-
tions may result in malfunctioning of, or damage to, the bicycle computers.

2.4 Ambient temperature

The bicycle computer is designed for permanent operation and storage at ambient 
temperatures between -10° and +50°C. 

2.5 Electromagnetic compatibility

As far as possible, avoid using the bicycle computer in close proximity to electronic 
devices such as computers, printers, televisions, mobile telephones or radios, as 
devices with strong EMC radiation may interfere with or impede radio reception.

2.6 Battery operation

The bicycle computer is operated by a LR 44 battery. The following text will provide 
you with some information on how to handle batteries: 
Only replace the batteries with an equivalent battery type. Do not charge or 
reactivate batteries using any other means. Do not take batteries apart, throw 
them into fi res or short-circuit them. Always keep batteries out of the reach of 
children. Batteries may cause fatal injury if swallowed. For this reason, keep the 
batteries and the bicycle computer out of the reach of small children. Seek medical 
assistance immediately if a battery has been swallowed. If required before inserting 
the batteries, use a slightly damp cloth to clean the devices and battery contacts 
and dry thoroughly. Be careful with leaking batteries! Avoid contact with skin, eyes 
and mucous membranes! If there is any contact with battery fl uid, immediately 
rinse the areas affected with plenty of water and directly consult a doctor. Batteries 
do not tolerate heat. Ensure that the computer and its inserted batteries do not 
become too hot. Non-observance of these instructions may result in damage and 
even cause the batteries to explode. Temperatures below 0°C may have an adverse 
effect on the battery life. For information on replacing the batteries refer to section 
7 Replacing the batteries.


Please do not leave the bicycle computer in a place where it will be 

exposed to extreme heat or cold. Extreme cold will cause weakening of the 
batteries (refer to section 2.4).

2.7 Disposal

2.7.1. Battery disposal 

Batteries are hazardous waste. To properly dispose of them, there are corresponding 
collection points available in shops that stock batteries as well as those provided 
by municipal authorities. 

2.7.2 Bicycle computer disposal

When you wish to get rid of your bicycle computer, dispose of it according to the 
current regulations. Information on this is available from the municipal authorities.

2.7.3. Packaging disposal 

Dispose of the bicycle computers packaging according to the current regulations. 
Information on this is available from the municipal authorities.

2.8 Maintenance


 There are no parts inside the housing of the bicycle computer that 

require maintenance or cleaning.

2.9 Cleaning and care

Only use a soft, damp, lint-free cloth to clean the bicycle computer. Do not use 
solvents, corrosive or gaseous cleansing agents. Ensure that there are no water 
droplets remaining on the display. Water may cause permanent discolouration. Do 
not expose the bicycle computer display to bright sunlight or ultraviolet radiation.

2.10 Storage

Remove the battery when the bicycle computer is not in use for an extended period. 
To store the bicycle computers please observe the note in section 2.3 Operating 
environment conditions and section 2.4 Ambient temperature. Ensure that the 
bicycle computer is securely stored. Avoid high temperatures (e.g. by direct sunlight) 
and a permanently damp environment. 


4.1 Bicycle computer mount und bicycle computer

Attach the bicycle computer mount (A) to the handlebars using the corresponding 
support and cable ties (D). Insert the bicycle computer into the bicycle computer 
mount from the front until it engages. Then turn the bicycle computer to the desired 
viewing angle. To remove the bicycle computer, press down on the catch.

4.2 Fitting the sensor 

Attach the sensor to the fork using the cable ties (D) and support as illustrated in 
the following diagram. Ensure that you lay the cable so that it is not pulled too taut 
or breaks when turning the handlebars. Also ensure that it cannot get caught up in 
the front wheel spokes when you are riding your bicycle. If necessary, fi x in place 
with cable tie. Place the magnet on the spokes of the front wheel and fasten using 
a locking ring and screw. Ensure that the magnet is aligned with the sensor with a 2 
mm clearance (as shown in the next diagram).

Magnet clearance 4 mm


2.11 Notes on these operating instructions

We have structured the operating instructions for this bicycle computer in such 
a manner that you can readily fi nd the information required by consulting the 
table of contents by topic. If you have any other queries, please contact us at the 
following address:

Service address:  Prophete GmbH u. Co. KG





+49 (0) 5242 4108-59

Email address: 

[email protected]

2.12 Scope of delivery

Bicycle computer

A = Bicycle computer mount with sensor
B = Bicycle computer mount with sensor
C = LR 44 battery for bicycle computer
D = 9 cable ties (2 lengths)





Reset key

Mode key

0526_layout_en.indd   2

0526_layout_en.indd   2

10.08.2011   8:49:14 Uhr

10.08.2011   8:49:14 Uhr

Содержание 8

Страница 1: ...rantiezeitraum Maßgeblich bleibt der Garantiezeitraum von 2 Jahren ab Kaufdatum Nach Ablauf der Garantiezeit haben Sie ebenfalls die Möglichkeit den defekten Fahrradcomputer zwecks Reparatur an die unten angegebene Serviceadresse zu senden Nach Ablauf der Garantiezeit anfallende Reparaturen sind kostenpflichtig Nach vorheriger telefonischer Absprache senden Sie ihren sorgfältig verpackten und ausre...

Страница 2: ...legen der Batterien bei Bedarf mit leicht feuchtem Tuch reinigen und gründlich trocknen Vorsicht bei ausgelaufenen Batterien Kontakt mit Haut Augen und Schleimhäuten vermeiden Bei Kontakt mit Batterieflüssigkeit die betroffenen Stellen sofort mit reichlich Wasser spülen und umgehend einen Arzt aufsuchen Batterien vertragen keine Hitze Vermeiden Sie dass sich der Computer und somit die eingelegten B...

Страница 3: ... note that the warranty period is not affected by any repair or replacement The 2 year warranty period starting from the purchase date shall remain in effect After the warranty period has expired you will still be able to send the defective bicycle computer to the service address provided below to be repaired Any repairs caused after the warranty period has expired are however subject to charge Af...

Страница 4: ...ting the batteries use a slightly damp cloth to clean the devices and battery contacts and dry thoroughly Be careful with leaking batteries Avoid contact with skin eyes and mucous membranes If there is any contact with battery fluid immediately rinse the areas affected with plenty of water and directly consult a doctor Batteries do not tolerate heat Ensure that the computer and its inserted batteri...

Страница 5: des 2 ans à compter de l achat initial du produit Une fois cette période de deux ans écoulée vous avez également la possibilité de nous retourner votre ordinateur de vélo en vue d une réparation éventuelle à l adresse SAV indiquée plus bas Cependant une fois la garantie écoulée toute ré paration est réalisée contre paiement Veuillez alors nous renvoyer votre ordinateur après accord téléphonique...

Страница 6: ... secours Nettoyer les contacts de l appareil et des piles avec un chiffon légèrement humide puis les sécher soigneusement avant de les insérer Manipuler des piles ayant coulé avec précautions Éviter tout contact avec la peau les yeux ou les muqueuses En cas de contact avec le liquide de piles rincer aussitôt les parties citées avec beaucoup d eau et consulter immédiatement un médecin Les piles ne ...

Страница 7: ... károkra A készülék javításával vagy cseréjével új garanciális időszak nem kezdődik meg Irányadó továbbra is a vásárlástól számított 2 éves időszak marad A garanciális időszak lejárta után továbbra is lehetősége van a hibás biciklis mérő órát javítás céljából az alább megadott címre elküldeni Azonban a garanciális idő szak utáni javítások díjkötelesek Előzetes telefonos egyeztetés után az alábbi c...

Страница 8: ...ket az elemek behelyezése előtt szükség esetén egy enyhén nedves ronggyal tisztítsa meg és alaposan szárítsa meg Vigyázat kifolyt elemek esetén Kerülje a bőrrel szemmel és nyálkahártyákkal való érintkezést Az elemfolyadék érintésekor az érintett helyeket azonnal bő vízzel öblítse le és haladéktalanul keressen fel egy orvost Az elemek nem viselik el a hőt Ügyeljen arra hogy a mérőóra és ezáltal a b...

Страница 9: ...garanzia sono escluse le batterie usi impropri cadute urti e simili In seguito ad una riparazione o sostituzione non ha inizio alcun nuovo periodo di garanzia Rimane decisivo il periodo di garanzia di 2 anni a partire dalla data d acquisto Dopo la scadenza della garanzia potete inviare il computer per bicicletta guasto all indirizzo di assistenza sotto indicato per farlo riparare Dopo la scadenza ...

Страница 10: ...ntatti delle batterie con uno straccio leggermente umido ed asciugare accuratamente Prestare attenzione in caso di batterie esplose Evitare il contatto con la pelle gli occhi e le mucose In caso di contatto con il liquido della batteria è necessario sciacquare immediatamente la parte interessata con molta acqua e contattare immediatamente un medico Le bat terie non sopportano il calore Evitare che...

Страница 11: ... gedekt door de garantie Met de reparatie of vervanging van het apparaat begint geen nieuwe garantieperiode De garantieperiode van 2 jaar vanaf de aankoopdatum blijft gehandhaafd Na afloop van de garantieperiode hebt u eveneens de mogelijkheid om de defecte fietscomputer voor reparatie aan onderstaand adres te sturen Reparaties die buiten de garantieperiode gebeuren zijn niet gratis Na een telefonis...

Страница 12: ...nodig met een licht vochtige doek schoongemaakt en grondig gedroogd worden Opgelet met lekken van batterijen Vermijd contact met de huid ogen en slijmvliezen In geval van contact met de vloeistof van de batterij moeten de betreffende plaatsen onmiddellijk met veel water gespoeld worden en moet onverwijld de hulp van een arts ingeroepen worden Batterijen verdragen geen hitte Vermijd dat de fietscomp...

Страница 13: bezpłatnie Gwarancja nie obejmuje baterii oraz szkód powstałych w wyniku niewłaściwego używania upuszczenia lub uderzenia urządzenia itp Naprawa lub wymiana urządzenia nie rozpoczyna nowego okresu gwarancyjnego Okres gwarancyjny pozostaje ograniczony do dwóch lat od dnia zakupu Po upłynięciu okres gwarancyjnego uszkodzony komputer można nadal wysłać na poniższy adres w celu jego naprawy będzie...

Страница 14: ...aterii Unikaj kontaktuzeskórą oczamiibłonamiśluzowymi Wprzypadkukontaktuzelektrolitem natychmiastprzemyjdanemiejscadużąilościąwodyiudajsięniezwłoczniedolekarza Baterieniesąodpornenadziałaniewysokiejtemperatury Unikajnadmiernegonagrze waniakomputeraiznajdującejsięwnimbaterii Nieprzestrzeganietychwskazówekmoże doprowadzićdouszkodzeniaurządzenia anaweteksplozjibaterii Temperaturyponiżej 0 Cmogąmiećne...

Страница 15: ...e o nouă perioadă de garanţie Durata de garanţie rămâne cea de 2 ani de la data achiziţiei După trecerea perioadei de garanţie aveţi de asemenea posibilitatea de a trimite computerul de bicicletă defect cu scopul efectuării garanţiei către adresa de service indicată în continuare După trecerea perioadei de garanţie toate reparaţiile sunt contra cost După efectuarea unei consultări telefonice trans...

Страница 16: ...te ştergeţi aparatele şi contactele bateriilor înainte de introducerea bateriilor cu o lavetă uşor umezită după care uscaţi le bine Atenţie la bateriile scurse Evitaţi contactul cu pielea ochii şi membranele mucoase În caz de contact cu lichidul de baterie spălaţi zonele afectate cu multă apă şi solicitaţi imediat asistenţă medicală Bateriile nu suportă căldura Evitaţi încălzirea puternică a compu...
