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All coaters are equipped with a push-pull emergency cable that extends around
the perimeter of the coater. This cable can be pushed or pulled to be activated.
Once activated, this will stop all powered rolls and will not allow the rolls to
function until the blue safety switch has been re-set to the center position. If the
coater is equipped with air cylinders, the e-stop will activate air valves so that the
air cylinders raise the upper coating head. The
red pushbutton
on the safety
switch can also be pushed as an e-stop in the event of an emergency.
When the emergency cable has been tripped, the blue safety switch will be in the
off position (lowered).
To re-set the safety switch, click switch to the center position. In order for the
switch to stay in the middle, the tension must be correct. The tension can be
adjusted by turning the turn buckle until it is tighter or looser depending on the