Page 13
Roll Adjustments
/ Roll Change Out
So, 0.002" x 5 = 0.010" which is the gap required between the doctor and
coating roll. This may not give you the dry finished thickness required due to the
possibility that not all the coating material passing through the gap is deposited
on the stock being run. A small adjustment of the doctor roll may be necessary
to produce the required dry finish thickness.
To remove the coating and doctor roll (s) follow these procedures:
1. Remove seal plates.
2. Remove
“end” covers on both housings
3. Remove chain and sprockets from rolls to be replaced.
4. Loosen roll bearings (4 bolts per bearing) and collars which hold
bearings in place.
5. Slide bearings toward center of roll along journal; keep the roll
supported by overhead hoist and straps. Care should be taken
not to damage the roll face or the steel journals while removing
the roll.
6. Shift the roll toward one end housing and tilt the opposite end out.
7. Shift entire roll out of the machine
8. Installation of a new roll is the same sequence in reverse