VIRDI 4000 User Guide
Union Community CO., LTd. 44-3 Hyundai Topics Building 5, 6 floor, Bangi-dong,
Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea 138-050, Tel: 82-2-6488-3000, Fax: 82-2-6488-3099,
E-Mail:sales@unioncomm.co.kr, http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
< Input PW >
PW:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Input password. Password should be 1~8
characters in length.
Press [ENTER] to input the password.
<Confirm PW>
PW:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Input the same password once more for
Press [ENTER] to confirm the password.
If the password change is successful, you will hear a “ppiririck” buzzer sound. If
not, you will hear a “ppibig” buzzer sound and the “1. Add” menu appears. “3.FP|PW”, “4.FP&PW” user
1. 1:1 Level
2. Add FP
3. Modify PW
Press the [1] button to change the 1:1 Level (refer to “”)
Press the [2] button to register additional fingerprints (refer to “”)
Press the [3] button to change passwords (refer to “”).
To cancel, press the [CLR] button. “5.RF” user
1. Change Card
To change the card, press [1].
To cancel, press the [#] button.
Press the [1] button to change the card.
<Change Card>
Place Your Card
To cancel, press the [#] button.
If a user places the card close to the unit, a “ppiririck” buzzer sound
(Modification is successful) will be heard and the “1. Add” menu appears. “6.RF|FP”,”7.RF&FP”,”92.ID&FP|RF&FP” user