TS_604_01 PowerWave PW3000/TP User Manual UK 5/1/18
3: Installation
3.8.2 External battery cabinet cabling procedure
Where an external battery cabinet is installed it contains additional battery strings (each comprising 24 x 12V batteries)
which are connected in parallel with the UPS internal batteries.
1. Disconnect the UPS internal batteries at the ‘
Main + Disconnec
t’ and ‘
Main – Disconnect
’ points shown in Figure 3.12.
2. Open the fuse isolator on the back of the battery cabinet (see Figure 2.8).
3. Remove the terminal block cover on the back of the battery cabinet to gain access to the main terminal block.
4. Connect the protective earth cable (GND) between the battery GND terminal on the UPS terminal block (see Figure
3.8 to Figure 3.11) and the GND terminal on the battery cabinet terminal block.
5. Connect the battery positive (B+) and negative (B-) terminals on the UPS terminal block (see Figure 3.8 to Figure
3.11) to the corresponding B+ and B- terminals on the battery cabinet terminal block.
6. Reconnect the UPS internal batteries at the ‘
Main + Disconnec
t’ and ‘
Main – Disconnect
’ that were disconnected
7. Refit the battery cabinet terminal block cover. Do not close the battery fuses on the battery cabinet until the system
has been commissioned.
Multi-cabinet configuration and paralleling cables
1. Ensure the cable link is removed from JP1-JP2 on the UPS terminal block (see Figure 3.8 to Figure 3.11).
2. For all modules, remove the parallel port cover plate on the rear of the UPS (see item 12 in Figure 2.7).
3. Connect a parallel bus cable (25-pin, 3m cables supplied) between the parallel ports of each UPS in a daisy chain.
4. Fit the modified parallel port cover plate (supplied) to the rear of the UPS, taking care not to trap the cables.
3.10 Optional remote monitoring and control facilities
Fit and connect any optional equipment following the instructions in Chapter 7.
• Back-feed protection - see page 52
• Emergency Power-OFF (EPO) - see page 53
• Computer communication options. - see page 53
• Serial Network Management (SNMP) card - see page 54
• AS400 Interface card - see page 55
• UPS Monitoring and automated control software - see page 56
Key Point:
This section is required only if an external battery cabinet is installed.
Do not close the fused isolators in the battery cabinet before the UPS system is commissioned.
Key Point:
This section is required only if two (or more) cabinets are connected as a parallel system.