TD 92930EN
13 December 2013 /Ver B
Configuration Manual
WL3 and WL3 Plus WLAN Handset
Appendix C: Easy Deployment
For the VCI string, use the value above. The quotation marks must be included.
Add the Option 43 line with the following syntax:
option 43 hex <hexadecimal string>
This hexadecimal string is assembled as a sequence of the TLV values for the
Option 43 sub-option: Type + Value, as described above.
Easy Deployment and VLAN
In a VoWiFi system, the WSG used for configuration must be positioned in the Voice
VLAN, even if it is actually a data device (since the Voice and the Messaging services
cannot be separated to two different SSIDs and thus not simply mapped to different
VLAN in the AP/controller.
A mapping rule can, though, be created, that uses TCP/UDP port mapping, and
connects the two services to different VLANs, instead of mapping SSIDs.
VLANS are not defined in the 802.11 standard. To achieve the same traffic separation
for example between a Data and a Voice VLAN (and maybe including even a
Deployment/Management VLAN), different SSIDs are used which are mapped to
different VLAN IDs in the AP/Controller. The WLAN system must, therefore, be set up
to support multiple SSIDs.
If using the AWS-INIT SSID on a single AP, be sure that the handset also can associate
to the production SSID, after it has received its full configuration from the WSG (Device
Manager application used for Easy Deployment.)
Remember that, when getting the production WLAN SSID, that it may be mapped to
another VLAN, and that the IP address is changed, and also, that the DHCP server
options are served by another scope, or eventually another DHCP server.
If using a deployment VLAN, you may be forced to have two Device Managers, or
arranged for routing between VLANs.
You may try using a direct configuration of option 60 and option 43 on a scope by
scope basis, if your system allows the separation of DHCP client devices to use
independent scope ranges.
Easy Deployment and Certificates
NOTE: If using a security model that requires certificates, also use an NTP server, to
assure the correct time in the handset, as certificates only are valid within a certain
Client certificate
If the production network is using individual client certificates, which for example are
required for using EAP-TLS, first associate the certificates to the predefined number in
the WSG (Device Manager) used for Easy Deployment, and after that select the
required client certificate. Perform the steps, as described below in this section.
TIP: If there is no client certificate in the WSG (Device Manager) used for Easy
Deployment, the handset is disconnected from the WLAN. To recover from this, first do
a factory reset, and be sure that the client certificates are associated with the correct
Number. You can also use the WinPDM to install the correct client certificate. Then try