Phonebooks and call lists
Logging missed calls
This function has two entries, each with two options for managing missed calls:
• Answered elsewhere
• Delete entry
All missed called intended for this line are logged and new missed calls are dis-
played. If the "Exclude" option is selected for "Answered elsewhere", missed
calls for this line that were answered either by other subscribers in the group or
with "Directed pickup" are neither displayed nor logged (see also
Page 39).
The "Exclude" setting is recommended if groups are set up.
With the default setting "Manually" for "Delete entry", you can delete specific
missed calls you called back yourself. If you select the option "When called"
instead, these calls will be deleted automatically.
You can also configure this setting via the WBM interface
Page 197.
Press the key shown.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Select and confirm the option shown.
if nec.
Enter and confirm the User password.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Call logging
Missed calls