MSR110D Programmer’s Manual UDN PM008 Rev. D
Section 1 -- General Description 20-Dec-2001
Uniform Industrial Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential
44 pages
The reader can read magnetic data form any available track encoded per ISO 7810, 7811, AAMVA, CA old DMV,
JIS. The host can request the read data from the reader with commands. For details and examples of commands
and responses, refer to section 4.
Reading Customized Data
The interface can read customized encoded magnetic data. Data integrity is not verified when reading customized
data. Customized data is not formatted into ASCII characters prior to transmission to the host.
Self –Arm Mode
The default reader configuration is the “Self-Arm Mode”, which allows the magstripe functions to run
automatically, reporting magstripe activity to the host without instruction from the host. In the Self-Arm Mode, the
reader also can accept commands from host. However, the reader can be configured to only “Host Polled Mode”
by disabling Self-Arm Mode. The “Host Polled Mode” allows the magstripe functions to run by commands. The
conditions of indicators when the reader is in Self-Arm Mode are shown below.
Table 1-2. Self-Arm Mode
2 Beeps
1 or 2 Tracks Read Miss
3 Beeps
Read Error
1 Beep
Read Success
When the reader is in the Self-Arm Mode, the green LED indicates the reader is waiting for accepting card. While
card is moving, the LED will turn off. When one or two tracks read miss, the LED shows orange for 1 second and
the buzzer beeps twice. If tracks read error, the LED turns red and beeps thrice. When the reader is in the Host
Polled Mode, the green LED keeps flashing.
Reader Copy
This function can copy all setting data down from one reader to another reader with a DB9-M to DB9-M
connector. The connector pin and operating step are shown below.
Table 1-3. Copy Function PIN Assignment
Transmitting PIN
Receiving PIN
2 3
3 2
5 5