If you want to register two range extenders to this base, just
repeat these steps with the second range extender.
To use the range extender with a different base, just register
the unit to the new base; the range extender automatically
overwrites the link to the old base.
Placing the Range Extender
Here are a few tips for placing your range extender so that you
get the clearest signal and the maximum range:
Place the range extender just inside the base's coverage
area, that is, as far from the base as possible where you still
have good reception.
Put the range extender
at least 35 feet
away from the base or
any other range extender.
If you place the range extender on a flat surface, make sure
the power cord doesn't pull on the unit and that people
walking by won't knock it off the surface.
If possible, mount the range extender on the wall.
Finding the base’s coverage area:
Stand near the base
and make a call on
a cordless handset
that is registered to
that base.
Continue the call and
carry the handset
away from the base.
Make sure you go at
least feet (about
10 meters).
Place the range extender inside
the strong signal range (before
the noise increases)
Place the range extender inside
the strong signal range (before
the noise increases)
Strong signal
(no noise)
Strong signal
(no noise)
During a call, carry
the handset from
the base
During a call, carry
the handset from
the base
Weak signal
(some noise)
Weak signal
(some noise)
No signal
(all noise)
No signal
(all noise)
The noise increases as
the signal gets weaker
The noise increases as
the signal gets weaker
Place the range extender inside
the strong signal range (before
the noise increases)
Place the range extender inside
the strong signal range (before
the noise increases)
Strong signal
(no noise)
Strong signal
(no noise)
During a call, carry
the handset from
the base
During a call, carry
the handset from
the base
Weak signal
(some noise)
Weak signal
(some noise)
No signal
(all noise)
No signal
(all noise)
The noise increases as
the signal gets weaker
The noise increases as
the signal gets weaker