Number Tags let you quickly navigate to a specific system or channel.
You can assign Number Tags at the system level ( System Number Tag , or SNT),
at the channel level ( CHannel Number Tag , or CHNT), or at both levels.
You can assign an SNT to the temporary system Close Call Hits that is created
searches. This system and its SNT operate like any other
You can assign Number Tags to service searches and custom search ranges.
These search Number Tags operate like regular SNTs.
Programming Number Tags
Assigning an SNT
SNTs can range from 0 to 999 .
No two systems can have the same SNT. (This includes SNTs assigned to the
Close Call Hits system or any search ranges.)
To a system :
1. Open the
2. Select the system you want to assign the number tag to.
3. Select
4. Enter the number tag you want to use for this system.
To the Close Call Hits system :
1. Open the
2. Select
3. Enter the number tag you want to use for the Close Call Hits system.
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/POpitz/My%20Documents/temp/UnidenManBeta/NumberTags.html (1 of 3)4/7/2009 10:08:57 AM