page 109
Version 1.1 / December 2017
To read the information open the vending machine door, insert the service key into the door trip, insert
the USB flash drive into the USB connector (see fig. 13) when in vending mode and confirm the request
on the
Save configuration file to USB
To load drinks images, video files, shown when making drinks, computer programs, up
dating the program interface, it’s necessary to connect the USB flash drive to the USB
PC connector (see fig. 13.1)! To work with audit and configuration files (see section 13.0)
the USB flash drive should be connected to the USB MB connector (see fig. 13.1).
Information that can be downloaded from the USB-flash drive into the machine:
Configuration of a certain Machine:
The EVA-DTS format file. File name: Сххххххх.DTS, with 7-digit
vending machine serial number, specified in the menu technician General - Machine number setup sec
tion. E.g.: С0000123.DTS. The file will be loaded into the vending machine only if it matches the number
specified in the Vending machine number setting and in the file name. This will permit loading different
configurations for different vending machines from the same USB flash drive.
To download the information you want to insert USB-flash drive into the connector of the controller
board in the trade regime and approve the request:
Load Configuration
General configuration:
File format EVA-DTS. File name: CONF_GEN.DTS.
To download the information you want to insert USB-flash drive into the connector of the controller
board in the trade regime and approve the request:
Load Gen. Config
Software updating:
To update the vending machine software go to the manufacturer’s website http:// into the
section and choose the technical documentation for the required
vending machine model. Then choose the Machine Firmware. The automatic downloading of files to the
PC will start. The files are downloaded as an archived folder. To record the files to the USB flash drive,
decompress the folder first and then save the folder contents in the root directory of the USB flash drive.
In the archived folder, there are the files for software update with explanatory text files.
To update the vending machine software insert the USB flash drive with saved files to the USB connector
(see fig. 13). When these files are detected by the controller, the message asking for software updating will
appear. To download the power board must approve the request:
Load Hot firmware?
To download the software of the main board machine must approve the request::
MainBoard fIRMWARE?
Editing configuration files, and view audit files by using a special program ‘‘Unicum Vending Machine
Tools, which can be downloaded here: