rtcm1124 com2 1
RTK Rover Configuration
RTK Rover stations (rover station) receive differential correction data sent from
reference stations and receive satellite signals to provide an RTK positioning solution
and realize RTK high-precision positioning with cm or mm-level accuracy. Common
instructions for configuring RTK rover are as follows:
gngga 1
Moving Base Configurations
RTK reference station provides precisely known coordinates of a fixed station. Unlike
the RTK reference station, moving base station is in motion, at the same time
receives the satellite information, and sends it to the rover station receiver (to be
determined) directly or after processing. The rover station receiver receives satellite
observations as well as information from the moving base station, to make relative
positioning and determine the position of the rover station. Commonly used
instructions to set the moving base station are as follows:
Mode movingbase
rtcm1006 com2 1
rtcm1074 com2 1
rtcm1084 com2 1
rtcm1094 com2 1
rtcm1124 com2 1
Heading Configuration
GNSS heading refers to the clockwise angle between true North and the baseline
vector constituted by the two GNSS antennas. Commonly used instructions are as
Mode heading
gphdt com1 1